
Student painting in a studio

Challenge Yourself

Teaching and learning, research and engagement: A Cornell education is rigorous—every aspect is geared to prepare you to improve the world.

The Cornell Experience

You'll interact closely with world-class faculty and a diverse student body, each a collaborator in learning, in research, and in service. They're here to help you push yourself and your ideas further than you could ever push them on your own.

  • 4,000
    Courses across 100 academic departments
  • 80
    Undergraduate majors and 90 minors
  • 108
    Graduate fields of study

Faculty Stories

Steven Strogatz
Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Applied Mathematics
Cornell professors are often sought after by the media for their expertise and passion. Steven Strogatz communicates the beauty of math not only to students, but also to the public through books, TED Talks and publications like the New York Times.
Katie Keranen
Assistant Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Cornell geophysicist Katie Keranen finds links between wastewater disposal from hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and increased seismic activity in Oklahoma.
Lisa Kaltenegger
Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Carl Sagan Institute
For the first time in human history, we have the technology to search for life and, if it’s there, to find it. Lisa Kaltenegger shares what inspires her scientific curiosity, and how Cornell’s scientists work together to search for alien life in a new—and colorful—way.

In the Field

students demolishing a house with hand tools
Students involved in the POST Program help with paving a walkway

Service with a Purpose

Public service is a pillar of Cornell academics. It not only enriches the community—it enriches your understanding of how ideas work in the real world.

Katherine Sullivan with mountains in the background
Ashley Stappenbeck ’18 studied spring 2017 at National University of Ireland in Galway

Global Perspectives, Global Opportunities

Our home is on the Hill in Ithaca, New York, but you can study just about anywhere your academic inquiries take you.