Downloads in seconds,
entertains forever.

Discover iTunes, the home of endless entertainment. Music, movies, TV shows, and more come together here. It’s also where you can join Apple Music and stream — or download and play offline — over 45 million songs, ad-free.

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iTunes or Apple Music on your iOS device

The iTunes Store app and Apple Music app are already on your iPhone or iPad. Open the Apple Music app to start a free three-month trial* and stream 45 million songs with no ads.

Open iTunes Store

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Learn more about Apple Music

Looking for Apple Music for your Android phone?

45 million songs on all your devices.

While you wait, try Apple Music
free on your other devices.

Expand your listening experience with Apple Music. If you’ve got an iPhone or iPad, Apple Music is already built in — just open the Music app and tap “Try it free.”

Listen to your favorite music ad-free on all your devices, online or off. Start your free three-month trial and cancel anytime.1*

Learn more about Apple Music

If your other device uses Android, you can still get Apple Music.
Apple Music is also available for Android. Stream and download all the same music and videos.