Thank you to our Co-Host, Dalimonte Rueb Law Group, LLP, for a great event at #AAJinLA last Friday!

Reach Spanish-speaking legal consumers on directories like

The Spanish-speaking market in the U.S. is growing, and growing fast. Can your law firm speak these legal consumers’ language? You can with

Learn about how the internet has changed legal marketing

Marketing and advertising are changing rapidly. What was once tangible is now largely digital, and what used to be advertisers pushing their messages has...

Slow- and no-pay clients are one of the most difficult problems for solo and small law firms

End 2017 strong with some legal marketing tips

Finish the year strong and get a good start on 2018 with these simple tips for marketing your law firm.

Attorneys should know their online reputation

You’re most likely over the age of 45, and you’re not in this situation by choice. You might be dealing with a legal issue for the first time in your...

Is your law firm prepared for the spotlight?

Sometimes lawyers are thrust into the spotlight. Here are some tips for making sure you and your law firm look your best.

Keep your digital marketing busy over the holidays

Even during a slow holiday season, law firms can take steps to drive traffic amidst the noise of doorbuster sales.

Attorney marketing has changed. Time to change with it.

An in-depth look into the current state of attorney marketing. Learn the tools of the trade, and dive into the mindset of the modern legal consumer.

Office dogs are the new rage. Does your law firm participate?

Facebook's and/or capability allows for more specific paid social campaigns

Facebook's audience targeting is already great. Here's how you can make it even better for your law firm.

Google’s Miwa Gardner-Page and FindLaw’s Christi Krautbauer and Sean Sands spoke earlier today at Google’s Austin location on online trends, social media and how today’s legal consumer behaves.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting

What's your body language like in court?

Law firms are getting serious about their online reputation

You’re most likely over the age of 45, and you’re not in this situation by choice. You might be dealing with a legal issue for the first time in your...

Live chat is a great way to communicate with legal consumers

Legal consumers typically need to act fast. If you can engage that consumer in real time via live chat, you’re more likely to get his or her case.

Time to start managing your law firm's online reputation

If you run a small law firm, how do you make sure your reputation is as strong online as it is offline? Download the FindLaw Reputation Management playbook.