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Invitation for Comment to Restyle the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure

Over the last several years, many of the federal rules have undergone a process known as restyling, designed to make them simpler, more understandable and easier to read and use. With the exception of the rules in Part 8, which were recently revised, the Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure have not been restyled, partially in deference to their close linkage to provisions of the Bankruptcy Code.

The Advisory Committee on Bankruptcy Rules is now considering whether to recommend that the Bankruptcy Rules undergo the restyling process and is soliciting input from the public. With the assistance of the Federal Judicial Center, the Advisory Committee’s Restyling Subcommittee has created a short survey seeking opinions and comments on the benefits and drawbacks of restyling.

If you or your organization would like to provide feedback, please complete the survey by June 15, 2018. We encourage you to contribute your views.

The survey results will be reviewed by the Restyling Subcommittee and given careful consideration as it decides what recommendation to make to the Advisory Committee.

Sandra Ikuta
Chair, Advisory Committee on Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure

Dennis Dow
Chair, Bankruptcy Rules Restyling Subcommittee
Chair-Designate, Advisory Committee on Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure