FreedomWorks for America Endorses Nick Freitas in U.S. Senate Race Against Tim Kaine


Contact: Laura Meyers

FreedomWorks for America Endorses Nick Freitas in U.S. Senate Race Against Tim Kaine

CULPEPER, VA- FreedomWorks for America, an organization that promotes free markets and individual liberty, has endorsed Delegate Nick Freitas in his campaign to unseat United States Senator Tim Kaine.

Noah Wall, Executive Director of FreedomWorks for America, released the following statement:

Nick Freitas served two tours in Iraq as a member of the U.S. Army Special Forces and continues to serve the Commonwealth as a state delegate. He has a proven record of voting to restrain spending, shrink government, and protect educational freedom and civil liberties.

Nick Freitas doesn’t just talk the talk. He has the courage to make principled votes when it counts. We need more fighters in Congress, and Freitas would be a trusted ally to fellow constitutional conservatives Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) in the U.S. Senate. Not surprisingly, they both endorsed him already.

The organization also announced it “will be working to mobilize conservative activists and community leaders to ‘Get Out The Vote’ for Nick Freitas in the weeks leading to the June 12 primary.”


Background: Nick Freitas lives in Culpeper, Virginia and serves in the House of Delegates for the 30th District. He is a retired Green Beret and works as the Director of Operations for a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned company. Now, he’s a candidate in Virginia’s 2018 Republican Primary for United States Senate.

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