Schedule of Content


When new or additional content becomes available, the Department of the Interior (DOI) and its Bureaus and Offices will publish it on its Web sites in the order of the following publishing priorities recommended in the implementation guidance associated with Section 207(f):

  • Priority 1: required by law, regulation, Presidential directive, or other official directive or to ensure national security or public safety
  • Priority 2: mission-critical and essential for program operations, but not required by law, regulation, or Presidential directive (that is, information or services that are directly tied to an agency's mission and/or strategic plan)
  • Priority 3: frequently requested information or services that would improve business processes and/or customer service to the public (for example, most commonly used forms, documents, applications, transactions, etc.)
  • Priority 4: other information

If information fits in two or more priorities, it will assign it to the higher of the two.

Department of the Interior Web Content Inventory
Category of Information Category Description Examples of Content Web Publication Priority
Regulatory Documents Official documents generated as a result of and in the process of adopting rules to implement the laws Congress passes that involve land management, natural resource, natural and earth science, and natural hazard issues Notice of Inquires
Notices of Proposed Rulemakings
Further Notices of Proposed Rulemakings
Reports & Orders
Notices of Apparent Liability
Declaratory Rulings
Forfeiture Orders
Memorandum Opinions and Orders
Environmental Impact Assessments
Required Information and Links Information, links, documents and disclaimers required by law or Presidential/official directives or public safety information Freedom of Information Act Materials
Links to,
No Fear Act Equal Employment Opportunity Data and Policy
Privacy Policy
Information Quality Guidelines
Small Entity Compliance Guides
Accessibility Resources
Annual Budget Estimates
Annual Performance and Accountability Reports
Mission-Critical Information Information and documents that are essential for program operations and tied directly to the mission of DOI and its Offices and Bureaus Strategic Plans
Strategic Goals
Major Initiatives Listings
Copies of Statutes, Rules and Regulations that Set Out the Responsibilities of the DOI
State Oversight Reports
Annual Report to Congress
Recent Court Decisions
Time-Sensitive or Periodic Information and Notices Information and tools to help the public keep up with the steady flow of information that is added to the various DOI Bureau and Office web sites each day and listings of that information News Releases
Public Notices
DOI Bureau and Office Headlines and Archives
Daily Business - Indexed Copies of Daily Releases
DOI Calendar of Events
Customer Alerts
Media Advisories
Agency and Administrative Information Information and documents that describe the functioning and organization of the agency and its components Organizational Charts
Key Contact Information and Phone Directory
Employment/Internship Information and Openings
Contracts & Procurements
DOI, Offices, and Bureau Staff and Secretary Information and Biographies and related information
Audit Plans, Reports and Investigations
Facilities and Field Office Information
Workplace Diversity and EEO Policies
Frequently Requested, and Public Service Information Information and tools that improve business processes and/or customer service to the public Fact Sheets
Document Corrections
Frequently Asked Questions Lists
Hot Topics Search
Small Business Opportunities
Educational Information for Children
Customer Information Videos
Captioned Audio/Video Recordings, Photos and Transcripts of DOI Events
General and Application-Specific Search Tools and Result Sets
Language Translations of Selected Content
Information for State & Local Governments
Links to Federal Government Issue Portals
Secretary, Bureau Head, and other Statements, Speeches, Forums and Newsletters
Receiving and Publishing Public Input Information and tools that allow the public to interact and do business with the DOI and the information resulting from those transactions Key Correspondence From Congress, Industry, and the Public
Official, Printable and On-line Forms and Instructions
Complaint Forms and Processes
Electronic Comment Filing and Search System
Minutes/Transcripts/Agendas of Key Public Meetings
Guidelines for Filing Paper Documents
E-filing Systems and Records Information, tools and user guides for the submission, processing, tracking and searching of DOI e-filing transactions and the information collected and presented in those processes Licensing
Fee Payment
Reports, Studies, Papers, Technical Information and Data Detailed scientific, technical, Academic, statistical, engineering and geospatial, natural resource, land management, and other on DOI-related subjects Industry Analysis Reports
Maps and other Spatially Referenced Data and Information
Working Group and Advisory Committee Reports
Geospatial Metadata, Standards, and Technical Information
Equipment Performance Tests, Requirements and Results
Maps, Including Geographic Licensing Schemes, Auction Licenses & Permits, Census Data
Statistical Trends
International Agreements
Technology Deployment Studies
Industry Infrastructure and Service Quality Data
Geographic Mapping Resources and Information Systems
Measurement Procedures
Glossaries, Scientific Thesauri, and other Terms and Definitions
Scientific Models, Techniques, and Methods
Opinions, Commentary, Recommendations Information that serves to shape or influence the issues of the DOI Recent Court Opinions & Filings
Secretary Statements, Speeches, Forums and Newsletters
Congressional Testimony
Federal Advisory Committees Act (FACA) and Working Group Proceedings and Documents
Other Advisory Committee and Working Group Proceedings and Documents