Park Planning

National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission Public Meeting

A meeting of the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission (the Commission) will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 16, 2017, in Room 311, the Boardroom of the Commission of Fine Arts at the National Building Museum, 401 F Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
The Commission will meet to review recently introduced memorial legislation, to provide consultation on authorized memorials, and to be updated on other memorials currently in progress.

(1) Site Selection consultation for the Desert Storm/Desert
Shield Memorial.
(2) Review of S.907, to authorize the modification of the
Second Division Memorial
(3) Updates on memorials in progress.
(4) Updates on pending memorial legislation.

Presentation materials will be posted in advance of the meeting at

The meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. and is open to the public. The Commission members will meet in Room 311, the Boardroom of the Commission of Fine Arts which is located on the 3rd Floor of the National Building Museum, 401 F Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20001. Persons who wish to attend the meeting should enter Room 311 directly through the room entry doors on the 3rd Floor hallway – this room will not be accessible through the Commission of Fine Arts offices in Suite 312.

The members of the Commission are as follows:

Director, National Park Service (Chairman)
Chairman, National Capital Planning Commission
Architect of the Capitol
Chairman, American Battle Monuments Commission
Chairman, Commission of Fine Arts
Mayor of the District of Columbia
Administrator, General Services Administration
Secretary of Defense

The Commission was established by Public Law 99-652, the Commemorative Works Act (40 U.S.C. Chapter 89 et seq.), to advise the Secretary of the Interior (the Secretary) and the Administrator, General Services Administration, (the Administrator) on policy and procedures for establishment of (and proposals to establish) commemorative works in the District of Columbia and its environs, as well as such other matters as it may deem appropriate concerning commemorative works. The Commission examines each memorial proposal for conformance to the Commemorative Works Act, and makes recommendations to the Secretary and the Administrator and to Members and Committees of Congress. The Commission also serves as a source of information for persons seeking to establish memorials in Washington, D.C., and its environs.

Any person may file with the Commission a written statement concerning the matters to be discussed. Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so

Statements and correspondence should be addressed to: Peter May, Chairman, National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission, 1100 Ohio Drive, S.W., Room 220, Washington, D.C., 20242, Attention: Glenn DeMarr, Secretary to the Commission. Statements and correspondence should be mailed or hand-delivered to this address, or e-mailed to and must be received by May 3, 2017 in order to be forwarded to the Commissioners in advance of the meeting. Persons who wish to file a written statement or testify at the Commission meeting should contact Mr. DeMarr by telephone at (202) 619-7027 or by e-mail at Persons seeking further information concerning the agenda topics or meeting arrangements should contact Mr. DeMarr for assistance or visit

Northern Section of George Washington Memorial Parkway Rehabilitation
The National Park Service (NPS), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration - Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD), is re-initiating a planning process for the rehabilitation of the northern section of the George Washington Memorial Parkway (GWMP). Designed as a scenic roadway and memorial to the first president of the United States, George Washington, the GWMP now supports more than 33 million vehicles per year, with the northern section seeing the heaviest amount of daily traffic.

The proposed action would include reconstructing the asphalt pavement and constructing new concrete curbs; replacing drainage inlets and culverts; stabilizing erosion at drainage outfalls; improving safety with options including crash-worthy roadside barriers; various options to reconfigure the interchange at Route 123/GWMP; and other smaller project elements such as creation of emergency turnarounds, extension of acceleration and deceleration lanes, and installation of stormwater management practices. The rehabilitation has been proposed to provide visitors with a safe and aesthetically pleasing driving experience while extending the life of the parkway.

Memorial Circle Transportation Planning and Environmental Assessment

The National Park Service is preparing a Transportation Plan and Environmental Assessment for the Memorial Circle area of the George Washington Memorial Parkway. The purpose of the plan is to reduce conflicts between trail, walkway, and roadway users and to increase overall visitor safety, while maintaining the memorial character of the area and improving mobility for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles.

The project area is heavily used by motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians for recreation, commuting, local travel, demonstrations, and ceremonies. The circle is often part of the funeral procession route to Arlington National Cemetery. The Mount Vernon Trail travels through the project area along the waterfront, contributing greatly to the bicycle and pedestrian use within the circle.

The heavy use of the roads, bridges, trails, and sidewalks within the project area contribute to a number of safety concerns, especially at the six un-signalized crosswalks within the vicinity of the circle.

You are encouraged to stay informed and participate in the project during the public comment periods. The park welcomes your input on what the current issues are within the project area and potential ideas for how safety and circulation could be improved while maintaining the memorial character of the area. A list of upcoming events can be found on the project website, and comments on the project may be submitted electronically.


Mount Vernon Trail Safety Enhancements near Theodore Roosevelt Island

The George Washington Memorial Parkway is seeking public comments on proposed alternatives to improve safety on the Mount Vernon Trail in the parking lots at Theodore Roosevelt Island. Preliminary alternatives include a wider, realigned trail and a reconfigured entry to the island. Comments on this project will be accepted from Tuesday, March 4 to Wednesday, April 2, 2014.

In its current configuration the trail is interrupted by ramps, trees, and a sharp (90 degree) turn. The goals of this project are to upgrade the trail to meet minimum design standards, reduce conflict between trail users and vehicles in the parking lot, enhance the entrance to Theodore Roosevelt Island with improved facilities and signage, and minimize impacts on the site's natural and cultural resources.

Visit the project website for more information and to comment on the project. Click to see a presentation on the project or drawings of the four preliminary alternatives.


Last updated: May 4, 2017

Contact the Park

Mailing Address:

George Washington Memorial Parkway Headquarters
700 George Washington Memorial Parkway

McLean, VA 22101


(703) 289-2500

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