Qualifying Listings, Links, & Quick Sites:

Any tourism-related businesses located within the city limits of Hot Springs, Arkansas may be listed on the Hot Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau (HSCVB) web site.

  1. All restaurant and lodging establishments collecting the 3% hospitality tax may be listed on the hotsprings.org site free of charge.
  2. All attractions may be listed on the hotsprings.org site free of charge.
  3. Any tourism-related businesses located within a thirty (30) mile radius outside of the Hot Springs city limits may be listed on the hotsprings.org web site for an annual fee of $200. This fee includes
  • a listing on the hotsprings.org web site
  • a logo and/or a picture of their business.
  • maintenance of the web page.
  1. All tourism-related establishments that request a link on the HSCVB web site must include a reciprocal link to each of their web sites. If the link is not connected within 30 days, that link will be removed from the Hot Springs web site.

Non-Qualifying Listing & Link:

NOTE: Any web site can link to hotsprings.org. This policy deals with listing on/or links from hotsprings.org.

  1. No web site containing offensive language or pictures that could be defined as being in bad taste will be linked or listed on hotsprings.org.
  2. No political campaign web site will be listed or linked on hotsprings.org.
  3. No tourism-related business outside the 30 mile radius of Hot Springs city limits can be listed on the hotsprings.org web site.

Linking Policy:

  1. If a qualifying tourism web site is linked from hotsprings.org, then that site will use the hotsprings.org logo on the first page of the web site and will link this logo to hotsprings.org. If a qualifying web site includes a list of related links or recommended links in the site content, then the text listing or logo for hotsprings.org must also be included in this list.
  2. Qualifying web sites linked from hotsprings.org have 30 days to place reciprocal links on their sites. After links to hotsprings.org are in place, Hot Springs Advertising & Promotion should be notified via e-mail to hscvb@hotsprings.org.
  3. If the reciprocal links are not in place after 30 days, the qualifying web site's hyperlink from hotsprings.org will be removed.
  4. If a qualifying web site hyperlink has been removed, the link will be reactivated once a reciprocal link is in place on the qualifying web site.
  5. If a qualifying web site includes special programming that "traps" the visitor within the site and does not allow the visitor to return to the hotsprings.org site by clicking the "back" button, the hyperlink to that site will be removed. The hyperlink to the qualifying web site will be reactivated when the programming is removed. The qualifying web site will have 30 days after notification to remove the programming. After programming has been removed, Hot Springs Advertising & Promotion Commission should be notified via e-mail to hscvb@hotsprings.org