

  1. Photo
    CreditMark Wilson/Getty Images

    Predatory Colleges, Freed to Fleece Students

    Nearly every student who’s complained about fraud has been from a for-profit college, but the government wants to do nothing about it.

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    CreditScott Eells/Bloomberg

    The Chutzpah of These Men

    Mario Batali. Charlie Rose. Welcome to the “not so fast” phase of the #MeToo movement.

  3. Contributing Op-Ed Writer

    CreditLeo Correa/Associated Press

    The Men Who Terrorize Rio

    Ruthless mafia-like militias have taken over much of the Brazilian city, killing whomever they want, from City Council members to bird thieves.

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    CreditWahyudi/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

    How ISIS Has Changed Terrorism in Indonesia

    Local Islamist extremists still go after Christians and the police. But now women and children are participating in the suicide attacks.


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    Trump v. the Department of Justice

    President Trump and his enablers in Congress and the right-wing media are engaged in a dangerous campaign to undermine the foundations of American justice.

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    Venezuela’s Sham Election

    Sunday’s vote giving Nicolás Maduro another term was flawed by low turnout and rampant corruption. Venezuela’s Latin neighbors must unite to isolate and force him from office.

Op-Ed Columnists

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    Hamas, Netanyahu and Mother Nature

    Gazans and Israel could have made peace before. Now, demographic and ecosystem issues add urgency.