(BPT) - When you think of automated vehicles, you probably think of driverless cars. While that particular movement is certainly in the news, it’s not the only place where driverless technology is gaining momentum. Did you know that driverless technology innovations are occurring every day in agriculture as well? While most of us won’t see this technology since it’s confined to the farm, driverless tractors are poised to change the way our food is grown.

The race to autonomy

Today’s driverless tractors still need an operator to keep the tractor on task. But for 20 years, farm equipment manufacturers have been working on building a precision platform with GPS navigation to provide tractors with pure self-driving automation. The ultimate goal is to offer farmers driverless equipment that is smart — or autonomous — so it can perform tasks completely independent of human intervention.

The farm equipment industry has spent a couple of decades moving toward developing autonomous equipment, and the race to commercially market that equipment has recently moved into high gear.

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Workers across the world are increasingly aware of what many consider an existential threat to a wide array of jobs. Safe and efficient autonomous vehicles, for example, may make truck drivers obsolete in the not too distant future. At the same time, advocates of technology argue, people around the planet are finding new and often better opportunities thanks to continuing industrial innovation. The world of work is changing, from Silicon Valley to the Nile Valley, where Spotlight visited to discover how developments in agri-technology are revolutionising crop cultivation. Once part of the desert, a camomile field near Faiyum southwest of Cairo, now provides a seasonal income opportunity for local women. Faiyum is one of Egypt’s poorest provinces, with particularly high female unemployment. Hundreds of women are employed here, and business is growing, thanks to new technologies. “These women come from nearby villages,” says Om Said, a local entrepreneur. “There are always people there in need of work. For them, it’s means for living. With new technologies, we can deliver more product in shorter time. The drying process now only takes two days. This greatly speeds up the production.” At harvest time, around 200 workers process up to 300 tons of camomile. The plants are dried in a fast and hygienic way using a solar heat collector. The technology was developed by local researchers a few years ago and since greatly enhanced, spinning off a business creating high- and low-level jobs across Egypt, according to Prof. Wael Abdelmoez, and environment and energy expert and founder of R&D Tech. “High level, which covers the engineers and PhD holders who are already working on the design and supervision of the manufacturing of solar driers; the labourers, who are working running the facility itself; and the females, who are working in the field itself, whose numbers have increased dramatically”. Shrinking subsidies on fossil fuels in MENA countries make solar power more competitive, leading to innovation and job creation. In Egypt, I talked to Prof. Wael Abdelmoez, founder of R&D Tech that develops solar driers for camomile and other agricultural products pic.twitter.com/2yVQwmh4MF— Denis Loctier (@Loctier) December 29, 2017 The Future is Green Green jobs are on the rise in a region that long relied on cheap fossil fuels. Amid climate change and shrinking oil subsidies, greener alternatives appear to stimulate local economies. “It means more traction: we can export more, so we can buy more from the locals, we employ more people to do this post-harvesting processing, sieving and packaging, so it’s a lot of economic activity going on,” says Heba Labib, whose company Nile’s Gift exports medicinal herbs and spices. Experts say Egypt’s move to a greener economy will create jobs, generate technologies and draw greater investment. But what of concerns that advances in technology will have the opposite effect on jobs? Nothing to worry about, according to Boston start-up Harvest Automation. At its site a little robot scurries around, using a set of sensors to move potted plants, arranging them in a pattern that optimises growth. Until now, this was always done by humans. “This job of moving the plants around on the ground is the worst job on the whole farm,” says Harvest Automation CEO, Charlie Grinnell. Dozens of his clients of have passed this task on to robots: “Nobody was losing their jobs in this industry when the robots came along.” The manufacturers say their robots aren’t killing jobs. Quite the opposite: they help growers hire more workers who want to do something more valuable than just moving plants around. “Everyone would rather do other jobs, whether it’s tending to the plants as they are growing, or driving a tractor, or other things,” maintains Grinnell. “My customers have a challenge just finding workers to do this kind of work.” Artificial Intelligence Developers expect artificial intelligence to quickly move beyond moving pots around. Another Boston company, Neurala, is

Media: Euronews

In 2016, both New Holland and Case IH introduced autonomous tractor prototypes, which the companies are still testing in the field. At the same time, John Deere signaled its commitment to autonomous machinery when it acquired Blue River Technology — a company that specializes in computer vision and machine learning, key technologies for developing smart farm equipment.

The digital component

In addition to performing the desired tasks, smart farm equipment also has the ability to capture vital data about the operation and how the land is being used. This data will be invaluable to farmers, according to Dan Burdett, global head of digital agriculture at Syngenta.

“The driverless tractor and automated farm equipment will be able to record any field event, which is important for developing insights, such as calculating return on investment,” he says. “Capturing timely and accurate data to document field applications for reports and stewardship requirements will also be possible.”

Because various sensors, tools and artificial intelligence will automate data collection, Burdett says the data will “enable a whole new level of decision-making capabilities. Growers will benefit from all of it,” he says, adding that the adoption of digital technologies in the ag industry is inevitable and moving fast.

“It’s escalating, and that’s driven partly by farm economics,” says Burdett. “It’s very important for farmers to know their numbers. Digital tools and information technology can help farmers be better business people.”

The future of autonomy

For many years, the components needed to bring autonomous vehicles to market were cost-prohibitive for ag manufacturers. But that is changing.

Uber, Google and Tesla have made big investments in technology for their self-driving cars, which has substantially lowered the cost of some components that are also used in automated farm equipment.

As more industries use these components, prices will drop further, placing autonomous technology within reach of farmers. The field of automated farm equipment is fertile, and it’s growing rapidly.

To learn more about automated farm equipment and other agricultural trends, go to www.syngentathrive.com.

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