International Day of the Tropics

In 2016 the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 29th June as International Day of the Tropics.

Project Partners

Current members of the State of the Tropics Alliance

Escuela Superior Politiecnica Del Litorial (ESPOL)

Escuela Superior Politiecnica Del Litorial (ESPOL)

The National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA)

The National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA)

James Cook University

James Cook University

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Mahidol University

Mahidol University

Nanyang Technological University

Nanyang Technological University

Organization for Tropical Studies

Organization for Tropical Studies

University of Hawaii Manoa

University of Hawaii Manoa

University of Nairobi

University of Nairobi

University of Papua New Guinea

University of Papua New Guinea

University of the South Pacific

University of the South Pacific