April 2018 App Service update

We had a busy April, check out all the new features and improvements for App Service including support for Kubernetes and Docker Compose, New pricing and much more!


When running into Bitlocker recovery issues I always used the tools PCPTool (written by Stefan Thom) and Win7PCRv2 (actually I couldn’t figure out who coded this one) to dump the TPM PCR registers. On some devices with newer Win 10 builds (1709 onwards) the tools were throwing errors. PCPTool complained about a too small buffer…

Turbo boost data loads from Spark using SQL Spark connector

Reviewed by: Dimitri Furman, Xiaochen Wu Apache Spark is a distributed processing framework commonly found in big data environments. Spark is often used to transform, manipulate, and aggregate data. This data often lands in a database serving layer like SQL Server or Azure SQL Database, where it is consumed by dashboards and other reporting applications….

コマンド(AXUpdateInstaller.exe devinstall)実行時にエラー

[現象] パッケージをインストールする際、以下のコマンドを実行するとエラーが発生しました。 実行したコマンド AXUpdateInstaller.exe devinstall エラー Generated runbook with id: Runbook20180xxxxxxx Start executing runbook : Runbook20180xxxxxxx Executing step: 1 Stop script for service model: AOSService on machine: localhost Stop AOS service and Batch service Failed to find the AOS website name. The step failed The step: 1 is in failed state, you can use rerunstep…


Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations(D365FO) でのユーザー登録について、紐づけられていないテナントのユーザー登録方法について説明します。   D365FO のユーザー登録については以下に資料があります。 Create new users https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/unified-operations/dev-itpro/sysadmin/tasks/create-new-users —-抜粋ここまで—- 5. In the Domain field, type a value. – Enter the user’s domain. —-抜粋ここまで—- 上記では Domain フィールドとありますが、現在は、以下の通り、Provider (プロバイダー)になっています。 この [プロバイダー] にて、認証に使用する Azure Active Directory(AAD) を指定できます。(上記 [電子メール] に設定されているユーザーで認証を行います。) この [プロバイダー] の初期値は 「https://sts.windows.net/」 となっています。この場合、D365FO が紐づけられているテナントの AAD が使用されます。 それ以外の AAD にて認証を行う場合には、「https://sts.windows.net/{ドメイン名}」 を使用します。{ドメイン名} については、Azure…

Monitoring Python Applications with Azure App Insights

Overview In this blog, I will show how you can use Application Insights to monitor your web application written in Python using the Flask framework.  The sample code can be found here.  To follow along, you should have access to an Azure subscription.  Also your machine should have the following: Git client Code editor such…

Helper to solve Chaos Su Do Ku – Small Basic featured program

Today I’d like to introduce a program written by ErmiteUrbain. ErmiteUrbain wrote a program to help to solve Chaos Sudoku.  The program ID is PTX661.  And the information is uploaded in a forum thread Nominate games (or other programs) here to get featured on our Blog! (PART 3).  Chaos Sudoku is a kind of Sudoku (number…

Azure Log Analytics: Queries, Are you looking for a pattern? RegEx

RegEx is a common way of finding data .  It was helpful recently when Jon needed a small bit of help (he says more blogs will follow – the first post is quite cryptic). Basically what was needed was to only show the UserNames that started with A thru E and maybe a few other…

Top stories from the VSTS community – 2018.05.11

Here are top stories we found in our streams this week related to DevOps, VSTS, TFS and other interesting topics, listed in no specific order: TOP STORIES VSTS Gems – Analytics Extension #1 – Analytical widgetsRui Melo introduces the Analytics extension that adds a series of widgets (CFD, Lead, Cycle, Velocity, Burn down and Burn…