For the second year in a row, Donald Trump decided to decline the invitation to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and opt to have his own little MAGApalooza in Michigan. But if you’re wondering what it would be like if Trump attended the WHCD, Our Cartoon President has got you covered.

The Showtime animated series skewered the WHCD and Trump with a special short segment that aired during tonight’s festivities. In it, Trump accepted an invited to the event from White House Correspondents’ Association president Margaret Talev so that he didn’t appear thin-skinned. “I’m in!” he said. “But only under the following conditions: someone tranquilizes Jim Acosta, I get two scoops of ice scream big enough to bend a shovel and I can use Jeff Bezos as my napkin.”

In a little over three minutes, the clip didn’t spare anyone as it called Wolf Blitzer “a guy rescued from a snow cave just in time” and poked fun at the reporting of Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity. We are also treated to animated versions of  senior White House officials including Stephen Miller and Sarah Huckabee Sanders with her Reese Witherspoon-like southern charm.

The big finish includes Trump at the event with animated versions of Melania, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr. and has POTUS singing a musical number dedicated to New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman.

Watch the video above.