Chelsea Handler已認證帳戶


Comedian, TV personality and Psychic. Snapchat: ChelseaHandler | ACTIVIST

Los Angeles, CA


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  1. 釘選的推文

    Visit my page for the candidates I support, upcoming events, the facts, and ways to take action:

  2. Yesterday was the deadliest day in Gaza since 2014. is providing life-saving assistance . Please show your solidarity, join me and donate to UNRWA

  3. When we support bold women of color running for office, we all win. Joined and to hear from , and about how we win back Congress and turn this country around. Follow their campaigns. Donate. Share.

  4. 已轉推

    Today's report is from the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee. The Committee says the Kremlin used the to influence the 2016 elections. Are you denying the report? Also, why won't the clear all this up by answering the simple questions in my March letter to NRA?

  5. 5月16日

    Donald Trump Jr. said he can’t remember discussing with his father the infamous 2016 meeting with Russians at Trump Tower. The Trumps should ask Mike Pence how to get their stories straight, he has a special conversion camp for it.

  6. 5月16日

    Trump decides to overrule our security concerns with Chinese firm ZTE and it just happens to coincide with China agreeing to invest $500K in a new Trump resort in Indonesia. Where is

  7. 5月16日

    Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves. They created 3 branches of government to make sure there was oversight. This Republican congress instead plays deaf, blind, and mute while a corrupt megalomaniac sells our country to the highest bidder. This is how democracy dies.

  8. 5月16日

    Had a fundraiser last night at my house for these three very qualified women of color. The world is getting browner and gayer and we need candidates who represent the future, not the past. pls support and donate if you are able.

  9. 5月16日

    A lot of women won last night! We have a wave coming. A wave of wowen. You can see all the candidates I support on my or Facebook page. I’m on it, and I do my research. We need women and people of color to represent the next generation. Not more 70 year old white men.

  10. 已轉推

    This is unconstitutional, illegal, and highly significant. If the establishment normalizes this, they have no standards left.

  11. 5月15日

    I just read that Bill O’Reilly is in talks to return to cable news...with his EP, Bill Cosby? How about—I don’t think so, buddy. Please RT to prevent this man getting rewarded once again after sexually assaulting women and denying it over and over again.

  12. 5月15日

    Nikki Haley just blamed Hamas for getting her Starbucks order wrong. And then said that group is dying out, anyway.

  13. 5月15日

    now the bibi craizies are running the show, unchecked and will effectively turn gaza and the left bank into starvation camps or mental asylums, if not already and bomb iran into submission... there will be a religious term for this. i think the evangelicals call it the rapture.

  14. 5月15日

    It would be like Hitler saying Auschwitz is all about HELPING the Jews stay warm.

  15. 5月15日

    Nikki Haley is on tv talking about Hamas being responsible for the Palestinians protesting yesterday. These people had no weapons. They had tires to burn. There was a dead baby. While Netanyahu celebrates.

  16. 5月15日
  17. 5月15日

    While the Trumps and his administration celebrate...

  18. 5月14日

    I'm coming to Minnesota's State Theater for a fun night chatting with on Tuesday, June 5th. Tickets available here:

  19. 5月14日

    Last week, endorsed over 20 pro-choice Dem women for state & local office. They endorsed for . And all TWENTY of their candidates with primary elections on Tuesday won! Momentum for women candidates keeps on building, and in Nov, they'll win big.

  20. 5月14日

    If the WH doesn’t have the decency to for , then should have the decency to resign. Your resignation would equal an apology, since you already blew that. This kind of talk isn’t acceptable about anyone’s father or husband, never mind American hero.



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