The Dietland Trailer Goes to War With the Patriarchy, and Specifically Julianna Margulies


Meet Plum Kettle, the main character of AMC’s new show Dietland, who’s trying to slim down to live up to society’s standards. That turns turns out to be incredibly hard when society’s standards are embodied by her boss, a fearsome magazine editor played by Julianna Margulies in the wig of a Pokémon gym leader. There’s also a violent extremist group on the fringes that wants to recruit Plum for their anti-man campaign. Written by UnREAL’s Marti Noxon, Dietland premieres June 4, and if you can’t wait until then, come to the world premiere screening with Joy Nash, Julianna Margulies, and creator Marti Noxon at Vulture Festival on May 19.

The Dietland Trailer Goes to War With the Patriarchy