Productivity & Efficiency

Universities need to continue to look for new ways to increase productivity and operational efficiency, including external benchmarking and innovative use of new technologies

Higher education should be funded to meet the access, quality and efficiency expectations of the Australian and international community.

Productivity & Efficiency Information

Uni research funds help to secure Australia’s future prosperity 1 Nov 2016
The $416 million in Australian Research Council (ARC) grants announced today by Education Minister Simon Birmingham will help to secure future prosperity for Australia through world-class university r ...
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Australia's university system efficient but underfunded 21 May 2015
The latest Universitas 21 Report ranks Australia as one of the top countries for the efficiency of its higher education system despite disturbingly low levels of public investment compared with other ...
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Government walks the talk on cutting red tape 22 Oct 2013
Today's announcement by the Minister for Education, Christopher Pyne, of a number of measures to reduce the regulatory and reporting burden on universities represents practical and early action by the ...
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Plan to cut red tape and preserve quality university education commendable 5 Aug 2013
An independent report released today on higher education regulation reaffirms that higher education quality is best assured when regulated within a framework that recognises and respects university au ...
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Universities Australia meeting with Minister Kim Carr 16 Jul 2013
Universities Australia today met with the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research and Minister for Higher Education Kim Carr, to discuss issues of concern to universities as they seek ...
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Greens plan to boost uni funding puts productivity first 9 Jul 2013
The Australian Greens' plan to boost university funding by $1.474 billion (over the forward estimates) by increasing student base funding by 10 per cent and reversing the Government's multi-billion do ...
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Universities Australia opposes tax on learning 8 Jul 2013
Universities Australia today hosted a meeting of 20 professional peak bodies who are calling on the Federal Government to oppose the $2,000 per year cap on tax deductions for self-education.
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Universities Australia Policy Statement 2013 - 2016 27 Feb 2013
Universities Australia Policy Statement 2013 - 2016
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