Top Iranian, Venezuelan Diplomats Discuss Closer Economic Ties

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his Venezuelan counterpart Jorge Arreaza have exchanged views on ways to improve economic collaboration between Tehran and Caracas.

In a Saturday meeting in Tehran, Zarif and Arreaza discussed the conditions of the global oil market and latest Latin America and Middle East developments of mutual concern.

The two top diplomats also discussed the US interventions in the affairs of independent countries, particularly Venezuela.

Venezuela has been Iran’s top Latin America friend in recent years, mainly due to the fact they share opposition to the US hegemony across the globe and both are targets of strict US sanctions.

Caracas’ relations with Washington, which have been contentious in the last 20 years, have become increasingly cold in recent months.

Venezuela accuses Washington of fomenting violence and fuelling an economic crisis in the country to weaken the rule of the anti-US establishment.


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