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Turn a phone interview into a great opportunity

Being selected for a phone interview is a great sign, it means the employer is interested in talking with you more, about your background.  Employers use the phone to help them screen out potential candidates for a variety of reasons most of which relate to time and costs.

A telephone interview will no doubt happen at some point in your job search and will occur in several ways such as; an informal networking call that turns into an interview, a formal invitation to interview or a recruiter contacting you for a potential opportunity.

Since phone interviews can occur in the most unexpected times and places, it pays to be on guard and know when and where to take the call.  Naturally, just as you sit down for lunch the recruiter whom you have being playing phone tag with calls you back — should you take the call now or wait till later?

The key in turning a phone interview into a great opportunity is how well you build rapport, answer the questions and create a favorable impression. As much as you would like to take the long-awaited call, if you can’t talk or concentrate, much less hear in a crowded restaurant, you risk causing more harm than good.

Nonetheless, phone interviews serve a wonderful opportunity for both you and the employer.  It gives you a chance to discuss the job position with a real live person(s) and gives you a glimpse of the company’s culture.

Here are some strategies to use that will help increase your chances of moving the interview to a face-to-face meeting.

The ideal phone interview is one that’s planned where you can prepare for questions/answers and conduct research ahead of time. Don’t overlook the compensation topic, it can easily be part of the screening process and being prepared for it will calm nervous jitters.

Take the call in a controlled area where noise is at a minimum and interruptions are less likely to occur.  Phone interviews take your full concentration, remember your tone of voice and clarity of thought will be part of the screening process.

Some people find it more empowering to stand up when talking on the phone while others are more relaxed sitting down with their resume, company research and notes laid out before them.

Be yourself but make an effort to project energy in your voice, not overexcited where you ramble and miss the questions rather an enthusiastic tone that conveys interest. Interview anxiety often sounds like desperation that can influence the interviewer, demonstrating a confidence issue.

Avoid answering questions with just a short yes or no, rather give the interviewer a reason to bring you back to additional meetings. Being concise with your answers is important, but be concise with a purpose in talking about your skills as they relate to the position.

The more you know about the company culture before talking, the better prepared you are to avoid land mines of uncertainty. Study the company’s website and read about their latest news.

The questions you ask will often reflect your homework and interest in the employer, candidates who believe they can wing it are likely to be screened out. Keep things in perspective, phone interviews are two-way streets in building rapport.

The phone at times can be somewhat challenging with signal strengths and connections, listen carefully to the questions and make sure you understand what the interviewer is asking before giving an answer. If you need a moment to reply, make sure you tell that to the interviewer rather than having a long silent pause leaving them to guess.

The best answers for interview questions are always backed up with examples that support your skills and value. Do your best to give answers that keeps the interviewer asking for by using results that speaks to the employer’s needs.

As the interview draws to a close, you want to convey your interest in the job as well as inquire about the next steps.  When following up with a thank-you note make reference to the highlights you discussed, it shows you were listening and care about the employer’s needs.

What has been your experience with phone interviews?   Do you find them easier than face-to-face meetings?

Kim Thompson