SACRAMENTO — Investigators broke open the long-stagnant case of the prolific serial killer and rapist known as the Golden State Killer by mining DNA profiles collected by a genealogical website used by individuals to trace family heritage, sources told The Chronicle on Thursday.

Law enforcement had long had a DNA profile of the suspected killer, which helped them connect murders and rapes across the state to the same unidentified man. But, the DNA profile did not match any contained in criminal databases that are used by law enforcement throughout the U.S. to link crimes to suspects.

The explosion in recent years of DNA heritage websites such as 23andMe and provided investigators with another tool, although both of those companies said Thursday they were not involved in this case. The genealogical site, which was not revealed, linked the suspect’s DNA profile to a likely family member, the sources said. They also obtained a court order to compel the site to work with them.

That narrowed their search, and ultimately detectives got what they had long waited for — a DNA match — to Joseph James DeAngelo after following him and collecting an item he had discarded that they say contained his DNA.

DNA experts said the use of genealogical websites is a controversial and unorthodox method to solving crimes, one that could pose some ethical questions if it involves a commercial company where users have an expectation of privacy.

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The arrest of Joseph DeAngelo in connection with the East Area Rapist and Golden State Killer cases.

Media: San Francisco Chronicle

There are also publicly available databases online where anyone can upload and view DNA results in order to learn more about their family tree.

Investigators have been hesitant to reveal how they came to identify DeAngelo as the suspect known as the Golden State Killer or East Area Rapist, whose reign of terror included 12 slayings and 45 rapes in California from 1976 to 1986. DeAngelo had never been on their radar previously.

Sacramento Sheriff Scott Jones said a task force trying to solve the heinous crimes turned to “very innovative and emerging DNA technology that gave us a universe to look in.”

Jones added that it was not a tip that led them to DeAngelo’s perfectly manicured Citrus Heights home in Sacramento County.

It’s possible, said New York University Law Professor Erin Murphy, an expert in forensic evidence, that detectives might be reluctant to tell the public how they identified a suspect because they know people are uneasy about the use of genealogy websites as crime-fighting tools. If a commercial company turned over DNA information, Murphy said that would not be unprecedented, but also not without problems.

“There could be huge ethical issues there,” Murphy said.

One of the biggest genealogical companies,, said the company has had no contact with law enforcement in the DeAngelo case. The company’s policy is to only provide information when compelled by court order or warrant, a spokeswoman said.

The company has received one search warrant in its history demanding that it identify a person based on a DNA sample. In that 2014 case, police searched a public DNA database owned by using DNA collected at a homicide scene in Idaho and found a profile that matched 35 of 36 genetic markers, leading to the possibility that a family member of that person was their suspect. While the DNA profile was public, the name of the person who uploaded it was not, leading police to get a warrant for the identity.

In that case, police hit another dead end, ultimately clearing a man they suspected of any wrongdoing and saying that his family members were also not involved.

A spokesman from 23andMe, a genetic testing firm based in Mountain View, said the company was also not contacted in the DeAngelo case.

It’s possible, Murphy said, that detectives used various public genealogy websites, which she said eases privacy or ethical questions.

Detectives could have focused on the Y-STR — part of the male Y chromosome that is handed down paternally — to find a relative or find a likely last name, Murphy said. Combine that narrowed list with the likely age of a suspect and geography, and “that could give you a smaller list of names,” Murphy said.

The use of a genealogical site is different than a traditional familial searches using DNA — like the one that unmasked the Grim Sleeper. In the case of the Grim Sleeper, police linked Lonnie Franklin Jr. to the killings of 10 people over 25 years using a DNA sample from his son, whose genetic profile had been uploaded into a database of known criminals.

“The familial search process, the way it’s designed and the way it works, it gives you a father, son or full sibling,” said Rockne Harmon, a consultant to numerous law enforcement agencies on cold cases and former Alameda County prosecutor.

That’s not the process law enforcement were describing when they unmasked their suspect Wednesday at a news conference outside the Sacramento district attorney’s crime lab. There, they described a flurry of activity over the past week as it appeared they were closing in on one suspect.

DeAngelo’s name was known to investigators at least a month ago. Paul Holes, a Contra Costa County cold case investigator, said the list of potential suspects had been narrowed to a handful of men, roughly five — DeAngelo among them. Still, DeAngelo wasn’t at the top of that list, Holes said, until DNA ruled out some of the other men.

Sacramento’s sheriff’s began surveilling DeAngelo’s home and were able to obtain two “surreptitious samples” from him — meaning they waited for him to discard something with his DNA on it.

Investigators got one sample a week before his arrest. It was too weak, Holes said. They went back and tested a second sample they got Monday, which investigators said was a 100 percent match. DeAngelo was arrested that evening. It was the peak of a roller coaster that started for Holes in the 1990s, when he looked into the cold case during DNA’s infancy.

Like with Holes, the case had long clung to those who tried to identify the suspect.

“It’s been a very frustrating. You have your moments of highs thinking you got the guy, and then you crash when the DNA evidence eliminates him,” Holes said. “The frustration just builds. To finally get to the point where you find the right guy, it is a very good feeling.”

Demian Bulwa, Melody Gutierrez and Jenna Lyons are San Francisco Chronicle staff writers. Email:,, Twitter: @demianbulwa, @MelodyGutierrez, @JennaJourno