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The Supreme Court and the New Civil War

“Authority of Law,” a statue at the Supreme Court facing the Capitol in Washington.CreditAndrea Bruce for The New York Times

In the civil war now being waged in this country, the combatants are not the blue and the gray of old. It’s the White House versus the blue states.

And the weapons aren’t cannon balls but rather the threatened withholding of federal money from “sanctuary” cities and states, the plan for the next census that would have the effect of shrinking liberal states’ representation in Congress, and the cap on tax deductions that will strike at residents of cities and states where high tax rates support decent public services.

While California is most prominently in the administration’s cross hairs — “California better hold on tight,” Thomas Homan, the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said on Fox News in January — the free state of California is not the only target. Chilling headlines like a recent one in a local newspaper in New Haven — “ICE Lies in Wait at Elm Street Courthouse” — are appearing all over the country as federal agents stalk and capture undocumented immigrants and leave the rest of us to shudder at tactics we used to ascribe to countries we regarded with disdain.

Those old enough to remember the Rehnquist federalism revolution of the 1990s and early 2000s will recall how startling it was when Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist’s long-sought majority began to rein in the federal government’s authority over the states with an enthusiasm and to a degree not seen since the early years of the New Deal.

The federal government can’t “commandeer” the states to carry out its enforcement objectives, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor wrote for the majority in a 1992 case, New York v. United States, invalidating a federal plan to oblige the states to help dispose of radioactive waste. “Congress must accord states the esteem due them as joint partners in a federal system,” Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote in a 1999 case, Alden v. Maine, immunizing the states from suits for violations of federal labor law.

For those who remember the unsettling decade when decisions like these poured from the Supreme Court, the current reversal of polarity is head-snapping. The Trump administration is not only commandeering local courthouses as convenient places to trap its prey, it also seeks to punish cities and states that resist.

That effort ran into a major roadblock last week in the form of a decision by the federal appeals court in Chicago. The three-judge panel blocked the effort by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to withhold millions of dollars in federal law-enforcement grant money from cities and states that fail to give advance notice to federal authorities when individuals who are “believed to be aliens” are expected to be released from custody or deny federal agents access to jails to meet with them. A Chicago law, the Welcoming City Ordinance, in fact prohibits local officials from meeting these federal demands. The city filed suit.

Judge Ilana Rovner’s decision for the three-judge panel is worth quoting at some length. (It shouldn’t be necessary or relevant to point out that all three judges were Republican appointees, but in the current climate, sadly, it’s a notable fact.) Attorney General Sessions, Judge Rovner wrote, “repeatedly characterizes the issue as whether localities can be allowed to thwart federal law enforcement. That is a red herring. First, nothing in this case involves any affirmative interference with federal law enforcement at all, nor is there any interference whatsoever with federal immigration authorities. The only conduct at issue here is the refusal of the local law enforcement to aid in civil immigration enforcement through informing the federal authorities when persons are in their custody and providing access to those persons at the local law enforcement facility.”

The judge added, “The choice as to how to devote law enforcement resources — including whether or not to use such resources to aid in federal immigration efforts — would traditionally be one left to state and local authorities.”

As a formal matter, the case, City of Chicago v. Sessions, which upheld a preliminary injunction issued by a Federal District Court last October, presented the appeals court with a straightforward statutory question: whether the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program permits the Justice Department to attach new eligibility rules beyond those Congress established in 2006 when it created the program, which was described by the court as the “primary provider of federal criminal justice funding to state and local governments.”

Congress granted the department no such authority, the appeals court concluded, nor can the statute be interpreted as bestowing it inherently. To quote Judge Rovner: “We are faced, then, with conditions on the receipt of critical law enforcement funds that have been imposed by the attorney general without any authority in a manner that usurps the authority of Congress — made more egregious because Congress itself has repeatedly refused to pass bills with such restrictions.”

While formally statutory, the opinion is suffused with a concern of constitutional dimension about an overreaching executive branch within a system of separated powers.

“The issue before us strikes at one of the bedrock principles of our nation,” Judge Rovner wrote, “the protection of which transcends political party affiliation and rests at the heart of our system of government — the separation of powers. The founders of our country well understood that the concentration of power threatens individual liberty and established a bulwark against such tyranny by creating a separation of powers among the branches of government. If the executive branch can determine policy, and then use the power of the purse to mandate compliance with that policy by the state and local governments, all without the authorization or even acquiescence of elected legislators, that check against tyranny is forsaken.”

And if that wasn’t strong enough medicine, her opinion includes this observation: “It falls to us, the judiciary, as the remaining branch of the government, to act as a check on such usurpation of power.”

If this case or one like it reaches the Supreme Court — similar lawsuits have been filed across the country — the justices will have to take sides. There would seem to be no middle ground. Nor is there middle ground in another front in the new civil war: the Trump administration’s decision, announced on March 26, to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census. California, New York, the N.A.A.C.P., and others promptly filed lawsuits.

The legal complaints assert that requiring people to reveal their citizenship status will predictably depress participation, thereby preventing the government from obeying the constitutional command to conduct an “actual enumeration” every 10 years. Xavier Becerra, California’s attorney general, wrote in the state’s complaint that the depressed count will predictably cost California — with its five million noncitizen residents, more than in any other state — seats in Congress (and therefore also votes in the Electoral College) as well as billions of dollars of population-based federal funding. In other words, while there is little chance that the citizenship question will produce a more accurate census, there is every chance that it will bring about a shift in the national balance of power.

New York, heading a plaintiff coalition of 16 states and several cities, asserts in its complaint that “a person-by-person citizenship demand that leads to a systematic undercount of minority populations across the United States will impair fair representation of those groups and the states in which they live.”

After President Trump signed the new tax bill into law, capping the deduction for state and local taxes at $10,000, politicians in California and New York scrambled to propose workarounds. That effort fizzled; seemingly, there aren’t any. Nor is there any visible path to the courthouse to challenge a cynical but perfectly legal act of Congress. Whether the new law might have the unintended effect of driving productive, progressive and mobile millennials from high-tax states and thus “turn Texas blue” — delicious thought — remains to be seen. In any event, that’s not the Supreme Court’s concern.

But a federalism revolution in reverse might very well be. Questions of the limits on federal power, and specifically on presidential authority, tend to reappear on the Supreme Court’s docket at times of national stress, exemplified by this week’s argument on the validity of the third iteration of the Trump administration’s Muslim travel ban. Fifteen years ago, as the George W. Bush administration filled the prison at Guantánamo Bay in the expectation that it would never have to face judicial oversight, the justices discerned an executive overreach they found troubling.

“A state of war is not a blank check for the president,” Justice O’Connor famously wrote in one of the cases that reached the court during that period. That goes for a civil war, too.

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