You know that person in a group of friends who's always, always, always dating someone, to the point where something might be a little wrong with them? Yeah, I'm that person. I did the math recently and I've spent a third of my time on this Earth in serious long-term relationships.

As something of a next-level serial monogamist, I've experienced more than my fair share of breakups, mostly scattered across four U.S. cities: New York, N.Y.; Princeton, N.J.; San Antonio, Texas; and now, quite recently, San Francisco.

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Media: Kiley Roache, Elizabeth Gerson

Even though the SF breakup was the most mature, mutually compassionate and adult I've ever had, it was still, holistically speaking, also the absolute worst.

Slogging through the aftermath pointed me toward one glaring, admittedly hyberbolic conclusion: San Francisco is the most annoying city in America in which to end a relationship.

Click through the gallery above to read why

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Why stay, if San Francisco makes life's transitions so much harder? It's a hard question.

We all have complicated relationships with this city — its dysfunction, its challenges, its many wild beauties. There's lots to love here, lots we want to fix and more we do not want to lose. Leaving is always bittersweet.

Filipa Ioannou is an SFGATE staff writer. Email her at and follow her on Twitter