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Cosby Found Guilty of Sexual Assault After Years of Claims

  • A jury in Pennsylvania voted to convict Bill Cosby of sexually assaulting Andrea Constand, a former Temple University staff member who had looked up to him as a mentor.
  • It was the second time a jury had considered Mr. Cosby’s fate, and the verdict caps the downfall of one of the world’s best-known entertainers.

Pruitt, Under an Ethics Cloud, Is Facing Lawmakers

Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, is facing two congressional panels in what is expected to be a daylong grilling over his ethics and spending. We’ll have updates and analysis.


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Maria Bochkareva, a Russian army officer, personally petitioned the Czar, via telegram, to allow her to serve.

Overlooked No More: Maria Bochkareva, Russian Soldier

For a brief period in a life of outsize impact, Maria Bochkareva, one of Russia’s first female officers, was an international sensation. She is among many notable people whose lives are being remembered in our Overlooked project.

The Daily

Listen to ‘The Daily’: Trump’s Travel Ban

In considering the ban, the Supreme Court justices seem focused on one question: Should the president’s authority have anything to do with his personal beliefs?


The Workologist

How to Help People Who Need It More Than They Know

It took forever to find a qualified candidate for an opening. Now the new guy is struggling and resists supervision. How can he be reined in and guided toward success?

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The artist Ashley Longshore poses for a portrait in her gallery space on Magazine Street in the Garden District of New Orleans. Credit William Widmer for The New York Times

Fashion’s Latest Art Darling

Working outside the mainstream art world, Ashley Longshore has become an avatar of pop feminism through her Instagram feed, and in the rarefied precincts of Bergdorf Goodman.

A Public Outdoor Squash Court Opens in Manhattan

Typically associated with elite colleges and private clubs, squash can be expensive and difficult to play. But there’s no pedigree required at a new court on the Lower East Side.

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