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Amino Acids in a Balanced Diet

The importance of amino acids cannot be overstated when it comes to the body. They join together to form protein, which is often referred to as the building block of muscle. Protein also plays a role in skin, hair and nail strength, cell repair and immune function. The goal with a balanced diet is to get all the amino acids you need from the food you eat. Knowing a little more about them will help you achieve this goal.

Essential vs. Nonessential

Amino acids consist of 20 different types -- 10 of which are essential and 10 of which are nonessential. The word "essential" means your body needs them for proper function, but is unable to produce them naturally. These include tryptophan, phenylalanine, histidine, isoleucine, methionine, leucine, lysine, threonine, arginine and valine. According to the Arizona University, failing to get enough of even one essential amino acid in the diet can cause protein degradation in the body, which can lead to muscle breakdown. Unlike carbohydrates, amino acids are not stored in the body for later use. This makes it important to consume a balance of amino acid-containing foods on a regular basis.

Complete Proteins

Animal meats and all derivatives have all the essential amino acids present. These foods are known as complete proteins. This list includes beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, shellfish, duck, lamb, wild game, dairy products and eggs. Including any of these foods in your diet will supply you with the amino acids you need, but be cautioned that some types are high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Beef, pork, duck, dairy products and chicken with the skin on fall into this category. Choose leaner cuts of beef and pork, remove the skin on poultry and opt for low-fat versions of dairy products. These healthy choices still contain all the essential amino acids.

Tofu is a food made from soy beans. Unlike other non-meat foods, tofu is a complete protein. It works well in stir fries, salads, by itself and even in desserts. Quinoa is a grain that has all the essential amino acids present. It works well as a side dish, or as an ingredient in a specialty salad.

Complementary Proteins

Vegans do not eat meat or any products that derive from meat. Various types of vegetarians also have specific restrictions with their intake of protein-containing foods. Lacto vegetarians for example, only eat dairy products, but no eggs or meat. If you are vegan or a form of strict vegetarian, you can still get your amino acid requirements in a balanced diet by combining incomplete proteins. Incomplete proteins, including beans, lentils, peas, nuts, seeds, vegetables and whole grains, lack one or more of the essential amino acids. A couple of common examples of complementary proteins are rice and beans and pea soup with corn bread.


When you are combining proteins to get all the essential amino acids, it is not necessary to eat the foods together. The most important thing is that you consume them within a 24-hour time period. For example, if you have whole-wheat toast in the morning and hummus with raw vegetables later in the day, you will still get the amino acids you need.

About the Author

I am very genuine and magnetic on camera, and have made numerous videos on my own for clients and other organizations that I'm affiliated with. I also have a degree in Sport Management, and multiple certifications to back up my validity. I've also been featured in three different exercise infomercials and had a speaking role in a National Lampoons movie.

Photo Credits

  • beef meat cooked in broth image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.com
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