LONDON — Cambridge Analytica unleashed its counterattack against claims that it misused data from millions of Facebook accounts, saying Tuesday it is the victim of misunderstandings and inaccurate reporting that portrays the company as the evil villain in a James Bond movie.

Clarence Mitchell, a high-profile publicist recently hired to represent the company, held Cambridge Analytica’s first news conference since allegations surfaced that the Facebook data helped Donald Trump win the 2016 presidential election. Christopher Wylie, a former employee of Cambridge Analytica’s parent, also claims that the company has links to the successful campaign to take Britain out of the European Union.

“The company has been portrayed in some quarters as almost some Bond villain,” Mitchell said. “Cambridge Analytica is no Bond villain.”

Cambridge Analytica didn’t use any of the Facebook data in the work it did for Trump’s campaign and it never did any work on the Brexit campaign, Mitchell said. Furthermore, he said, the data was collected by another company that was contractually obligated to follow data protection rules and the information was deleted as soon as Facebook raised concerns.

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Cambridge Analytica-founder turned whistleblower Christopher Wylie has been temporarily blocked from Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp following revelations about the data analysis firm he helped to establish. Cambridge Analytica allegedly harvested tens of millions of Facebook users’ personal information without their permission. That data was then reportedly used to influence and wage a so-called culture war during the 2016 US presidential election. “I think it’s really important for Americans to know what this company has been doing with their data and it’s really important I think to find out: was this data used to help elect Donald Trump?” Wylie asked in an interview on NBC’s The Today Show. “I think we need to step back for a second and de-politicise this because this is about the safety of Americans and the integrity of the American democratic process”, he added. "Exploitation" Wylie says the goal was to exploit what was known about the Facebook users and “target their inner demons.” “What Cambridge Analytica does is works on creating a web of disinformation online so that people start going down the rabbit hole of clicking on blogs, websites, etc., that make them think that certain things are happening that may not be.” Both he and Carole Cadwalladr – the Observer journalist who helped break the story - are calling for those responsible to be held accountable. “This data was misappropriated and mishandled by this company and I think that they need to investigated for that”, Wylie demanded. Cadwalladr has labelled it “one of the tech giant’s biggest ever data breaches.” Facebook has unequivocally denied a data breach. “I think what there is to see here is a multi-billion-dollar Silicon Valley company, which allowed this vast, vast trove of personal information to be harvested and to be used in ways that people can’t see and don’t understand. And that, to me, is the heart of this story at the moment. And, where is Mark Zuckerberg? That’s what everybody wants to know. Because Facebook’s executives were questioned in the US by congressional investigators and in the UK by MPs and they were asked direct questions about this. They were asked direct questions: does Cambridge Analytica have Facebook data? And they said no. And that is a huge scandal and I think they really need to step up and start answering questions properly now”, she told MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Transatlantic repercussions? Cadwalladr said she came across an American connection when she was investigating a potential link between Cambridge Analytica and the Brexit referendum in the UK. “This is absolutely Transatlantic because this is how I came to it initially: I was investigating Cambridge Analytica’s role in Brexit and that was the first stage of it. [I?] wrote about that in February last year and that kicked off two investigations, which are still ongoing, about what the firm did during the European referendum. But it was then that I discovered this amazing young man Christopher Wylie, who’s the one who’s gone on record over the weekend – it’s taken us a year to get him over the line – and, he has the paper trail, he has the documents and the receipts and the contracts… So, this thing that Facebook have just denied for two years, he was able to come forward and say ‘I can prove this’. So the point is we actually just don’t know how this data was used during Trump’s campaign, because everyone’s just denied it up till now. Cambridge Analytica’s just denied it had that data, Facebook denied it had that data. So we’re only at the very, very starting point, I think, of being able to ask questions about this. But, my colleagues at The New York Times, they saw the data last week and this was the kind of amazing breakthrough. Because of the legal sensitivities, I couldn’t see it, but through some means I cannot tell you about, they actually saw the data and it was only then that Facebook started taking this seriously and only then that they started responding”, she said. And what about people working on Donald Trump’s presidentia

Media: Euronews

Mitchell insists the company has not broken any laws, but acknowledged it had commissioned an independent investigation. He insisted that the company had been victimized by “wild speculation based on misinformation, misunderstanding, or in some cases, frankly, an overtly political position.”

The comments come weeks after the scandal engulfed both the consulting firm and Facebook, which has been embroiled in scandal since revelations that Cambridge Analytica misused personal information from as many as 87 million Facebook accounts. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before congressional committees and, at one point, the company lost some $50 billion in value for its shareholders.

Details on the scandal continued to trickle out. On Tuesday, a Cambridge University academic said the suspended CEO of Cambridge Analytica lied to British lawmakers investigating fake news.

Academic Aleksandr Kogan’s company, Global Science Research, developed a Facebook app that vacuumed up data from people who signed up to use the app, as well as information from their Facebook friends, even if those friends hadn’t agreed to share their data.

Cambridge Analytica allegedly used the data to profile voters during the 2016 election to help elect Trump. It denies the charge.

Kogan appeared before the House of Commons media committee Tuesday and was asked whether Cambridge Analytica’s suspended CEO, Alexander Nix, told the truth when he testified that none of the company’s data came from Global Science Research.

“That’s a fabrication,” Kogan said.

Kogan also cast doubt on many of Wylie’s allegations, which have led to a global debate about Internet privacy. Wylie was in Washington Tuesday, meeting with congressional Democrats about his allegations.

Wylie worked for SCL Group Ltd. in 2013 and 2014.

“Mr. Wylie has invented many things,” Kogan said, calling him “duplicitous.”

Kogan insisted in his testimony that the data would not be that useful to election consultants. The idea was seized upon by Mitchell, who also denied that the company had worked on the effort to have Britain leave the EU.

Danica Kirka is an Associated Press writer.