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Are you a problem solver or a job seeker?

If you need help in standing out from the crowd of others looking for the same job positions, consider seeing yourself as a problem solver and not just a job seeker.

The key in today’s job market is knowing what you have to offer an employer. It starts with a good understanding of what hiring decision makers are looking for and taking the time to develop a personal branding statement. A branding statement is crucial in knowing what makes you unique and is well worth your time in thinking about what sets you apart from others.

If I were to choose one suggestion in helping job candidates stand out among others it would be their approach to making a good first impression.

Consider this question when introducing yourself to others: Are you a job seeker or a problem solver? Your answer will reveal your view of what it takes to be a candidate of choice. The difference between the two groups reflects the changes in the marketplace moving from an industrial age to one of knowledge.

Traditionally, job seekers have viewed themselves as applicants demonstrating skills through experience rather than approaching their search as though they were problem solvers. It’s not a surprise that employers love problem solvers because every business has their share of problems.

Most hiring decision makers will admit that candidates who come across as sincerely wanting to help them solve problems combined with the right qualifications are more attractive than those who just match the requirements.

Regardless of industry, employers are always looking for problem solvers who can strategize with them as well as implement a plan of action. The challenge for job candidates is identifying the problems they have helped solve for their past/present employers and quit taking their skills for granted.

Relying on your resume accomplishments to speak for your problem-solving abilities is a mistake. It’s not unheard of for employers to interview candidates without carefully reading their resume.

Don’t put your career opportunities at risk hoping that an interviewer will read between the lines of your accomplishments. Even if you use examples to show how you have increased profitability with an employer, it’s not as powerful as presenting yourself as a problem solver when talking with people.

The way you communicate your value will distinguish you between a problem solver and just a job seeker. Problem solvers always demonstrate curiosity by asking good questions. As a job candidate, sell your skills to an interviewer but balance them with asking good questions and you’ll be perceived as having critical thinking abilities.

During the interview and when answering questions make sure you mention how you solve problems, highlight the steps you took and the results. When you use details and examples to back up your claims, you’ll create more credibility.

Hiring decision makers are always looking for people who can problem-solve. Executives want candidates who can strategize and see the big picture. Seeing yourself as a problem solver helps you focus on your most valuable attributes.

When talking with others and especially those in charge of hiring, ask great questions — ones that demonstrate knowledge of the company and deep thoughtfulness. While “smarts” may get you into the interview process, they are not enough to help you land a job offer.

There are plenty of job seekers in the marketplace who are intelligent but have missed out on good opportunities because they lack the curiosity needed to ask good question and become problem solvers.

If you were an employer, who would you rather hire — a problem solver or job seeker? What’s the difference?

Kim Thompson