A St. Bernard dog in England was at first believed to have cancer, but instead gave veterinarians a shock when something else was discovered during surgery: four half-eaten teddy bears.

Veterinarians initially gave Maisy a CT scan to find out what was wrong with the eight-year-old pup, and the resulting scan showed her to have "an unusually full stomach and a mass on her spleen."

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Doctors with Paragon Veterinary Referrals in Wakefield, England initially diagnosed the dog with cancer, the BBC reported.

Maisy underwent surgery to remove her spleen when doctors found the actual cause for the mass. The mass was instead four stuffed animals taken from the owners' other pets.

Veterinarian Nick Blackburn found the toys during surgery and plainly told the BBC, "this was not something we were expecting to find."

Maisy's owner, Jane Dickson, also expressed some shock at the discovery. Dickson told the news channel that while she would see the St. Bernard steal toys from the family's chihuahuas, she's never seen the dog chew them.

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Media: Jukin Media

Maisy has since recovered from the surgery and Dickson said the dog is "loving life now," adding "It's like she's got her youth back."

A follow-up histology report confirmed that Maisy is indeed cancer-free.