The number of accounts compromised by hackers is now in the trillions — enough, perhaps, to make even technophobes think hard about the security of their passwords. Indeed, many are — especially older Americans, a new survey shows.

Start with the now-familiar advice to avoid reusing the same password across important accounts such as email, banking and social media. A new poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that 41 percent of Americans say they use unique passwords for most or all online services. Just a third of adults under age 45 do so, however — compared with about half their elders.

Anyone who reuses a password increases their chances of falling victim to data theft — a serious risk given such major breaches as the hacks that compromised 3 billion Yahoo accounts in 2013. Hackers often test big batches of passwords stolen in one breach against other potentially sensitive accounts, a practice called “credential stuffing.”

Older Americans are also more likely to commit their passwords to paper, the poll found. Fifty-six percent of people age 60 and older do so, compared to 20 percent of the under-30 crowd. If kept away from prying eyes, written passwords are generally considered a good idea.

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Did you know Germans have two votes in their general election? And that the total number of seats in parliament varies? What are the most unusual political parties and what do they campaign for? Find the answers to these and more in our explainer on Germany’s election. When is polling day? German voters go to the polls to elect the 19th Bundestag on Sunday, September 24th. What time are polls open? Polls are open from 8am to 6pm Who votes? About 61.5 million German adults are eligible to vote. According to official numbers there are 400,000 less voters than in 2013. The breakdown of those eligible to vote is: 29.9m men, 31.7m women and three million first-time voters. But voting is not compulsory. Voters cast their ballot in their main place of residence. The community sends a letter to all eligible voters with an invitation to vote. The polling station is indicated here, too. A little over six weeks before the vote twice as many Germans living abroad had registered for the election, compared to 2013. Why are there two votes? On their ballots voters will be able to mark two crosses. “Erststimme” or first vote. The first allows voters to choose a candidate in their district. Germany is divided into 299 districts. The candidate with the most votes in one district automatically has a seat in parliament, so 299 lawmakers from the districts are sent to Berlin. It is the only way for an independent candidate to make it into the Bundestag. One district represents around 250.000 eligible voters. “Zweitstimme” or second vote. Even though the name might suggest otherwise it is the vote with more impact. With the second cross on their ballot, voters choose a party. The candidates sent to the Bundestag by the party are put together on the regional electoral list. Each party is then given a number of seats in the Bundestag that is in proportion to its share of second votes (for example, 40 percent of the vote would equal 40 percent of the seats). Split votes? It is possible to vote for a candidate of one party in the first vote and vote for another party in the second vote. An interesting fact: If the candidate from the first vote is independent and makes it into parliament, the second vote is not counted. This rule is designed to prevent a double influence on the composition of the Bundestag. The mysterious overhang mandates The German parliament has a total of 598 seats. Of those 299 are for MPs sent directly to Berlin from the districts. But the proportion of seats a party gets in the Bundestag equates to the percentage of votes the party gets with the second vote. If more candidates of a party get into parliament directly with the first vote than the party earns in the second poll, this is called an overhang. If, for example, a party is entitled to five seats, but wins six constituencies in the first vote, the sixth is referred to as an overhang. In order to keep the proportional distribution of seats, this is counterbalanced by “equalising” and giving seats to other parties. Due to overhang and equalising, the last Bundestag had 630 instead of 598 seats. Election threshold The second vote doesn’t count for parties unless they get more than a five percent share or three candidates elected in the first round. Are Germans avid voters? The turnout in 2013 was 71.5 percent – the numbers have been shrinking since 1998 when 82.2 percent of voters participated. The record for turnout was set in 1972 when 91.1 percent of Germans used their right to vote. Who elects the chancellor? All the MPs in the German parliament vote for a candidate that is suggested by the head of state, the German president. This person needs an absolute majority of MPs in order to become the new chancellor of Germany. Can we trust the polls? In the last two elections (2009 and 2013) the polls were quite close to the final results. The two most reliable institutes (Allensbach and Emnid) predicted the outcome with a difference of 1-2 percent. For the upcoming election polls predict 38.8 percent for Merkel’s CDU,

Media: Euronews_News

“I don’t use the same password for any two sites,” said Stephanie Harris, a 61-year-old retired warehouse manager in Sacramento. She shops and banks on the Internet and chooses her passwords from “things I like to do, things I like to eat. Never anybody’s name because I’m not into that. If I see something really cool, then I’ll make it a password.”

Harris said she changes her passwords often and uses from eight to 12 characters, sometimes including numbers and symbols.

The AP-NORC poll found 32 percent of 1,047 respondents use a single password most of the time. That was a bit less than the 39 percent who told the Pew Research Center last year that most of their passwords were the same or similar.

Inadequate attention to password security has helped fuel an epidemic of cybercrime. A Verizon report published last year on hacking-related data breaches said 81 percent involved weak, reused or stolen credentials — up from 63 percent the previous year.

It doesn’t help that the experts themselves haven’t been consistent with their advice.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology revised its best password practices last year. The new guidelines run counter to the information-security gospel that persists in much of the corporate world — namely, that that passwords should change frequently and must contain both uppercase and lowercase letters with required symbols and numbers.

NIST said such requirements often yield less secure passwords. The author of the original recommendations now regrets them.

Password managers — programs that can store your passwords securely, generate new random passwords and often even fill them in on login pages — are also gradually becoming more popular. Thirteen percent of respondents to the AP-NORC poll said they use them.

Mike Rodriguez of Port St. Lucie, Fla., is not one of them.

“I don’t trust them,” said the 50-year-old maintenance engineer, who says he only has four online accounts he uses regularly, including Facebook and banking. Rodriguez said he never saves credit card or other financial information to any online business.

Rodriguez was one of 18 percent of respondents who said they use unique passwords for all their online accounts. He uses a simple method for creating them, which he didn’t appear to mind sharing with a reporter.

Suffice to say it involves demographic details of various people he’s known.

Frank Bajak is an Associated Press writer.