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Game of Thrones (TV Series 2011– ) Poster

(2011– )

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Finally, a Show that stays true to it's written roots
Jschool0318 April 2011
As an avid reader, I am often disappointed by what is represented by the silver screen. I initially get excited to see one of my favorite series on the big screen, and eventually walk away disgusted. For whatever reason, most shows and movies that are based on epic book series absolutely butcher the original content.

So when I saw the preview for "Game of Thrones" on HBO, I was immediately skeptical. Oh, I was going to watch it, but I didn't have high expectations. I did hold a little hope because HBO is known for their high quality shows.

I was absolutely shocked to watch the Pilot and realize that it followed the book almost to perfection. The language that is used by the actors is very similar to the way that it was written in the book, and events were not skipped. It stayed very true to the story without adding to it or removing from it.

The acting is superb and I actually felt like I was looking into Winterfell for the first time. I feel like I've actually got faces to add to the characters that I've been reading about for a long time.

If you have not read the books, you may feel as though the blatant sexuality is an addition from HBO to add some spice to the series. This is not the case at all. The books contained all of the sexuality that is shown in the Pilot. I am very proud of HBO for producing an amazingly accurate product. I will be watching every week for sure.

If you enjoyed what you saw in the Pilot, know that there are many other plot twists and action filled evenings to come. "Game of Thrones" has a ton of potential to be one of the greatest series that has ever been produced. I would highly recommend it to fans of the series and newcomers alike.


I have now watched 3 Episodes and I wanted to come back and report some more. Even after 3 Episodes, the series is staying true to the written story. Overall the acting is still very good. I hate to watch a show that makes it look like the actors are reading a script. I don't get this impression with this HBO adaptation.

Each episode of this series leaves me itching for the next weekend. I really hate watching shows in real time because I enjoy absorbing several hours of a show at one time. But, a good show will keep you looking forward to it the whole week.

A special note to viewers that have not read the books... Keep watching! This series has numerous twists and turns and full of epic battles and action. It may seem like it's taking a little while to develop, but the reward is well worth the wait.

Even after 3 episodes, I would still highly recommend this to anyone.
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Excellent adaptation.
psypeterson17 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Readers who come to this review later in the series must note that, at the time of this writing, I have only seen the inaugural episode.

It's probably safe to say, when dealing with a series of novels as beloved as The Song of Ice and Fire, the most scrutinized aspect of the T.V. adaptation will be how well it holds to the source material. I am here to confirm, as a fierce devotee to the books, that we have nothing to fear.

While certain scenes play out differently in execution, the plot remains perfectly intact (so far). The characters have been transplanted well from page to screen, and the actors (most notably Peter Dinklage) nailed their personalities quite well. However; it is only fair to point out some of the acting seemed a little wooden at times.

Special effects were well done, though nothing mind-blowing, but the scenery and props perfectly captured the feel of the novels (in my mind at least). It also must be noted that there was just the right amount of nudity, violence and vulgarity to let the audience know they were watching a tale woven for mature viewers without using said nudity, violence and vulgarity as a crutch.

All and all, I am very, very pleased with this adaptation, and I went into it expecting to be disappointed. If I were to gripe about anything, it would be that newcomers who have not read the books might not know what to think of this fantasy story for adults. Some may shrug it off as fodder for geeks, while others might take offence to what they may see as a defiling of a genre usually meant for children.


After watching the entire first season, I can safely say this is perhaps the BEST adaptation of book into film/TV. While many moments in the show do not match the moments in the book action for action and word for word, the plot is never sacrificed when doing this, and the alterations simply make the story a better fit for a one-hour television time slot.

In addition, new scenes (by which I mean scenes which never happened in the book at all) fit seamlessly into the greater plot, and help the audience with information they would only otherwise get via the narrative of the novel (EG: asides which explain character/world history).

Top form, HBO. Top form.
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One of the most stunning shows on television
paulday9819 April 2011
Do not believe any of those negative reviews. I honestly cannot understand why some reviewers have given this such a low rating. I think some people love the sound of their own voice and think their opinion is worth something and will be disagreeable simply for the sake of it.

Having said that, this show is stunning. I have never read the books and now I want to. There is so much crap on TV that is renewed year after year (CSI, House etc.) which uses cheap gags, pointless and sometimes ridiculous plots, unbelievable and many times one dimensional characters and yet all the truly great shows get cancelled.

There is enough brain-dead television. But once in a while a show comes along that transports you to another world and makes you believe in the magic of television again. Game of Thrones is one such show.

It is complex, multi-layered, surreal, vibrant, imaginative and it draws your eye in to the surprising level of detail, from the sweeping vistas, to the narrow dungeons, from the beautiful castles and magnificent trees, to the contrasting landscapes. It is worth watching just for the scenery alone.

Yes the acting seems a little cold and even wooden at times, but this is perfectly in keeping with the medieval look and feel of the show. Yes it is dark and gloomy, but again in keeping with the narrative.

The scripting is intelligent and well delivered by competent acting, led by Sean Bean perfectly cast as Lord Edard. Although Sean Bean is better known for brooding bad guys, he strikes the perfect balance between father, husband and Lord and soldier. He is well supported by other well known actors and many new to the scene.

After watching and sometimes enjoying Camelot, this show makes that one look more like "Merlin" by comparison. And where Camelot lacks in depth and scripting, Game of Thrones strikes the perfect balance between brooding medieval angst and wonderful fantasy story telling.

Even if you have never watched a fantasy show before, you should not miss this.
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Lord of the Rings - I think not!
unknownmirc18 April 2011
Seeing a review comparing this brilliant title to Lord of the Rings made me make an account here and post my very first review.

I had very high expectations from this series and I believed that it will (like most TV series) absolutely ruin the book. And I couldn't have been more wrong! Where do I start...

The cast is great, though not amazing with one exception - Sean Bean is perfect for the role of cold master of the North, Eddard Stark. The setting, the atmosphere is perfect and not boring at all! Some scenes are just amazing and are exactly as written in the book - for example the scene where they find the wolves, the nature and the dialogs are just as they should be. Now to get to the part most people are interested in: What is this? What can I expect of the series?

THIS IS NOT LORD OF THE RINGS. Now that I got that out, I can continue. The very idea behind the series is a lot different. It's based around great families on different sides of the world, the stories their members have to tell and the secrets they hide. And there are many secrets, You will have a chance to witness small portion of them in the first episode. If you cannot follow the story just yet, don't worry! It's meant to be like that, you will eventually get to know all the characters and get involved in the story so much you will BEG for next episode just to see what happens.

What to expect? Plots, love, action, war, hatred, quite a few surprises and much much more... All that after the first episode. I really hope they will not ruin it as the series progress.

Conclusion: Do not miss this! Yes YOU complaining that the book is better. And everyone else.
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Fantasy has never seemed so real
gogoschka-122 July 2014
I don't believe there has ever been anything like 'Game of Thrones' on TV. The sheer amount of quality and talent in this series is staggering. The actors (and I mean really ALL the actors), the costumes, the visual effects, the make-up: everybody working on this show seems to have wanted to make Television-history. And the writing is just phenomenal.

'Game of Thrones' may belong to the 'Fantasy' genre, but the world of Westeros and its surrounding lands has been so amazingly well thought through and is inhabited by characters that are so well drawn and credible that everything you watch feels real. Every "country", every city, tribe or family has such a richly detailed history and even mythology that it just never feels like it was made up. Of course, that was all already there in the books – but translating that so perfectly to a TV-show and with such care as was done here really is a rare achievement.

Yet for all its grandeur, scale and breath-taking visuals, what really makes Martin's outstanding work come to life on the small screen is the fantastic ensemble of actors. At the core of this show (any show, really) are the characters. Tyrion, Cersei, Dany, Jamie and John (and all the – many – others) don't lose anything of their complexity; the amazing cast succeeds in showing all their respective characters' inner conflicts and often questionable motivations and virtually no one comes across as one-dimensional (except maybe for Joffrey).

There have been a couple of great TV-shows over the last years, but when it comes to scale AND quality, 'Game of Thrones' is – at the moment – in a league of its own. A joy to watch: breath-taking, epic – and highly addictive – Television. 10 stars out of 10.

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Excellent, Raw, Brutal and to the point
hallgeirg19 April 2011
First of all, I am a huge fan of the books, and I find it exhilarating to see a show that is so close to what I made in my mind while reading it.

I see some of the reviews are complaining about the sex and violence, to me that is like going to a restaurant, order a steak and complain about getting meat..

They keep true to the epically written book, and they depict the characters in an excellent way.

With a few exceptions I would say they have made what will be an epic show here, and I would really hope that they continue for all the books.
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This TV series is magnificent!
salerkbozava19 April 2011
This TV series is magnificent! I read a book and I must say that A Game Of Thrones is one of the best books I've read. So when I first heard that HBO will do a series on the this book I was thrilled but I was afraid that they will not be done exactly by the book. But I must say that I was wrong and that the series is better than I thought it would be. Much better!

While I watched the first episode I had the same excitement as the time when I first read the book. HBO has done a great job and they fulfill all my expectations. Sean Bean was born for the role of Eddard Stark. Costumes, scenes, actors, everything is done as it should be. Actors are perfect for the role they play in the series.

For me the biggest surprise of the series I figure Daenerys Targaryen. Emilia Clarke actress who plays Daenerys Targaryen is more beautiful than I imagined it would be and more beautiful than is described in the book.

The Wall is a lot different than I had imagined, but in a good way.

The series revolves around Eddard Stark and his family. He has a wife and five children, three sons and two daughters. Eddard Stark is ruler of the North and close friend of King Robert who needs his help in ruling the Seven Kingdoms.

The seven kingdoms, united under one ruler, have lived a life of peace and comfort since King Robert took the throne. But nothing is ever as it seems. Within the king's court there is murder and treason, with no one aware of what is really going on. Across the seas, the last remnants of the previous royal family gather forces to reclaim their throne. To the north, the unthinkable gathers, the creatures of myth and legend that have been forgotten.
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Fantastic! The scale was amazing and it stayed loyal to the books!
Kieran O' Mahony18 April 2011
This show is superb! While I may be bias as the book series is my favourite book series of all, I still think the show itself is fantastic! It sticks loyally to the books and doesn't "dumb things down" for a wider audience. If you are worried you won't gain the same experience by watching the show before you read the books, fear not - It's the same experience, with a different medium!

Although, I guarantee, soon you will be so pulled into the world of Westeros you will run out and buy the books just to find out what happens next!

Sit back and enjoy, my friends - Winter is Coming!
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Fresh and Exciting
Ren Beaudoin19 April 2011
Game of Thrones on HBO is a TV adaption of George R.R. Martin's books, a Song of Ice and Fire. For those fans who know and love the books, then you can't help but love the TV adaptation. It is difficult to translate books into movies or TV series, but HBO's GoT made it look easy. The characters, cast, scenery, costume, etc., all looked incredible, and gave me the feeling that I was inside the books themselves. Although not every little detail was translated perfectly, and nor should they be, the pilot episode was a grand achievement.

For all those Nay-Sayers out there: If you don't like the series, then you probably have never read the books or watched the countless behind the scenes trailers that helped those who didn't understand the complex storyline. Yes, this story is complex, its original, its fresh, and it is very exciting. The story line gets better with each episode. You also have to keep in mind that this story is an adult story, and as I said, it is complex. Simply put, HBO didn't dumb the story down, but rather remained true to the core of this epic fantasy. For those who have never read the books and found the pilot interesting, trust me it gets better and better. Stick with it.
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This one will blow you away!
steppy9117 April 2011
Love, betrayal, greed, murder, corruption… All collides in mythical world of Westeros. George R. R. Martin's world is unlike any other fantasy world you have ever seen. The main conflict lies between two families: House of Stark and House of Lannister, but there are many more stores to be told…

Eddard Stark (Sean Bean) is the main character of the series, and the story is mostly about him. Since HBO has staked a lot of money into this series, there will be a lot of colorful characters, just like it the books.

The art dept. has done a magnificent job by creating a whole new world from scratch. Costumes, armors, landscape, photography… All has been done in well-known HBO way.

Travel along side your heroes, from the cold North, and The Wall with Jon Snow, across the desert-city on the South, with Ned Stark, and join Daenerys and her riders on a mission to retrieve the Iron Throne.

Let the Game of Thrones begin!
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Really Surprised!
Geisterkarle19 April 2011
Damn you George R.R. Martin! Don't do movies, finish the damn next book ... oh wait ... he did! OK! Than let's look at the series...

Well, above statement has a meaning: I read the books! Yeah, big deal, but when I did I always thought: "It is not possible to do a movie about this!" And I was right! ... but they did a series! And I can't really believe it, but: It (well, the pilot) is quite good! Never expected that!

Also funny how many people talk about the nudity and/or the gore. Yes you see some breasts and so on ... so what? This is a fantasy, that is realistic (if you didn't read the books and don't know, what I mean by that: Wait and watch the series ... and you will be surprised!) so the scenes are realistic too! I like that! Adds more to the feeling of the books!

The main problem is, that if you don't know the books you are quite lost with the characters and what happened to all of them. But I hope we will get deeper into the minds and backgrounds of those people! The cast for that is really well done and I hope for they can pass on the feelings I got when I read the book!

Overall: Great start, hoping for Brilliance!
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Yes, folks, it's falling apart. Season 5-7.
dlpburke13 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 to 4 = 10/10.

TVW = TV writers.

Since the TV show left the books behind (around S5 on), the show's writing has gotten worse and worse. I think the first poor episode is probably the one where Arya is being pursued by the T- 1000. It is utterly absurd. But this season (s7) has been by far the worst.

Aside from the odd decent moment, and the awesome spectacle of the dragons, it has been average at best. Melodrama has replaced a proper narrative. Contrivances have replaced logic. Let me give you some examples:

1. Daenerys has spent her entire time planning to invade Westeros. And when it was finally time to do so, the dumb TVW threw a spoke in the wheel. Out of nowhere, she suddenly can't hurt any bystanders, so holds off the attack on King's Landing (Yeah, 'cause she hasn't had to hurt any innocent people in order to get to the position she is in now, has she!?) This silly little contrivance is designed to prolong Cersei on the throne (itself a really dumb idea) as long as possible in the most artificial way possible. The TVW are completely shitting on logic in order to force this demented Mexican standoff. The latest episode goes even further... A proposed alliance between Cersei and Daenerys and Jon - to defeat the Army of the Dead. Jon and co have to prove to Cersei that the army is real by capturing one of the living dead. Just think about how DUMB that sounds. As if Tyrion, or Daenerys, would be entertaining anything of the sort, especially at this moment in time. Tyrion would never even advise it, because he isn't stupid enough to trust his sister for ANY REASON.

2. The long awaited reunion of characters was handled in a really clumsy way. It was dreadful. Where was the real emotion with Sansa- Arya or Bran-Sansa? It was non existent. It was like these people were just ordinary buddies who chanced upon a meeting. I was really looking forward to seeing the reunions, because we have been waiting since SEASON 1 for it. What a complete let down that was.

3. Characters are everywhere at any time, as if they have a teleportation device. Daenerys hears that the Lannisters have taken Highgarden - and the next minute, her army is right there with Jaime in the thick of it. The continuity has gone out of the window. Whatever the writers want to happen happens. Magic wand, LAZY writing.

4. Melodrama / soap opera nonsense. In the last episode (S7E4), I had to suffer watching jaime being saved by Bron in the most ridiculous way there is. The cliché and brainless 'last second save'. And then, as I fully expected, we open episode 5 to discover they haven't been captured and have miraculously managed to escape unscathed, floating in deep water while WEARING ARMOUR and A SWORD! Holy crap. That's what happens when you run out of actual genius (Martin's work) and have to work on your own crappy, limited brain (TVW).

5. Characters aren't behaving like they should be. I've already mentioned Daenerys in regards to this, but it extends across the board. Bran "OOooo I am suddenly not Bran anymore... but I can feel who he was" or some slop. He still hasn't explained ANYTHING to anyone, even though the world is about to do battle with a mortal threat that he understands better than any other person on the planet. Sansa's turned into some awful caricature, totally alien to who she is as a person. And don't give me the Ramsay bullshit, since that was a dumb TV move in the first place and never happens in the books. Cersei is somehow queen and ultimate ruler, and making logical tactical decisions. But, here's the thing, it's already been established long before now that she is a useless tactician, and a naive, childish brat, who has no leadership qualities. But that's all out now, because they need her to be a main antagonist on the show. Speaking of Cersei, her one remaining child died and her emotion to it was zero. That's after it being well established that her only reason for carrying on with life was her children. Oh, but let's just switch off our brains again. The TVW said it's all OK! Whoopi-doo.

6. Contrivances. For example, Jorah Mormont needs a cure. Suddenly, he's managed to trek to some sort of hostel hundreds and hundreds of miles away, seemingly to just die - where he meets up with Sam - who not only finds a cure in a random book, but manages to pull off the delicate procedure, explained within, at the first time of asking. Then Jorah is back with Daenerys super-quick time. It's just so damn lazy and transparent.

7. Dialogue. This has taken a big hit as well. It's always been the case that the writers think swearing is uber-cool and shoehorned it into as many places as possible - but now they are out of Martin's material, a lot of the meat is gone. Tyrion stands out the most. The TVW are in over their heads. They are out of their depth.

Does anyone think Martin will be remotely THIS incompetent? The TVW have always made a mess when changing things (very often for no sane reason) from the books. For example, army numbers and population numbers being exaggerated to absurd levels; ridiculous and unrealistic events, like Sansa marrying Ramsay; over the top swearing, sex, nudity - for no other reason than to appeal to the mindless, lowest common denominator. But this is worse.

It's still entertaining, but the quality slide after S1-4 is larger than people are admitting. Some cool scenes with dragons isn't making me blind and dumb to all these issues.

edit. At least E7S7 was very good.
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Fantasy at its finest, for adults!
Alcarius18 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
To start with, I read the books once only, got into it thanks to my friend(bless him) and when I learned that TV show is being made by HBO we all cheered, since we always said it is impossible to convert this epic story into a 2 and a half hour movie.

To start the review now.

The Hand of the King Jon Arryn mysteriously died at the Capitol of the Seven Kingdoms, making King Robert Baratheon travel to the most northern region of the Seven Kingdoms to its capitol Winterfell to ask his loyal friend Eddard ''Ned'' Stark to become his next Hand of the King.

The Prologue, although not faithful enough to the book(yes i personally thought Prologue was the best part of first book) is done good enough for audience to hook it up thinking who the hell are those things.

The introduction of all the characters is done great, establishing some of relations quite well and subtle.

The Music is average, but it will not interfere with the whole show if it will be done the same as in first episode, The visual is stunning enough to suck you into show.

The characters are well acted and nailed most of the book characters and their core. There are some minor relationship changes but its very close to the book.

The newcomers will have to be patient and not give up to soon since the amount of characters and story lines might feel overwhelming but don't give up stay and a magical world of Westeros will come to life infront of your own eyes Conclusion: A Dark Fantasy world, full of realistic stories, at its best. A book in motion almost. The spirit of the story is mainly captured.

Overall Score: 9
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Unbelievably awful
chiluvr12283 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Heard a lot about this show with everyone saying how great it was so I decided to watch it to see if it was as good as I was told. I found the first episode a little boring and slow but figured it was setting up the characters, etc.

Well from there it went downhill. I watched all of Season 1 and half of Season 2 and I couldn't stomach it any longer. In my opinion, none of the characters are all that likable and the few I did like get killed off very quickly, usually with much gore.

Then there are the numerous and pretty graphic sex scenes which seem to be thrown into the show for the purpose of titillating (pun intended) the audience who I assume to be in the 18-35 bracket. I'm not a prude, but I never saw any tender love scenes, just gay sex, incest and rape. It's pretty much soft porn with a story.

By the last episode I watched I couldn't care less about who regained control of "The mythical land of Westeros". I hope parents aren't letting their children watch this debauchery.

Everyone has their own opinion of what is a good show and this, in my own opinion is utter garbage.
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Hater's Beware- For the new viewer
nelsonc519598 May 2013
This review is not about why this show is so great (see my 10 ranking) but a response to the haters who's comments I can't fully comprehend.

If you have never watched this show before and want a true perspective, see below:

1. If you absolutely "in your bones" hate fantasy, then this show is not for you. Even though this show is 95% about people and their attitudes toward power, government and corruption, there is 5% fantasy. If you can't get beyond the 5% then don't bother.

2. Yes there is a lot of sex. If this bothers you then don't watch. Is the sex always necessary to the plot? No, but it also doesn't derail the plot either. Pay TV like HBO has a lot of sex. If you are a puritan don't watch. The story and characters are so good that the "overdone" sex scenes are a minor issue.

3. Yes there is a lot of violence. If this bothers you don't watch. The violence is there to serve the plot. This show is a fantasy but is more heavily based on Medieval history. Would you be shocked to know that people lived harsh, short and often brutal lives 600 years ago in the real world. If you want PC and sanitary homogenized entertainment, then this is not for you.

4. Confusing plot- My response is yes and no. Yes, there are a lot of characters. Yes it is hard to remember all their names. Yes it is hard to follow all of the character interactions, what they are trying to do, who that hate, who they love, etc. If you want a TV show that "spoon feeds" you an easily digestible plot and a few easy to follow characters, then this is not the show for you. If you (like me) like to be challenged by a TV show and forced to think, analyze, guess and scratch your head, then you will love this show.

4. The acting is amazing- I've seen reviews that "slam" all of the actors. Are all of these people crazy? Have they ever seen good acting before? Do not believe any of these nay-sayers. Amazing acting and amazing casting.

5. The writing is excellent- Is is Shakespeare? No, but its extremely well written as is the source material. Since I originally read the books by George R.R. Martin, I have tried to read other books by authors like Stephen King, Dan Brown, John Grisham, etc. I've found that Martin's writing is far superior to these other authors. The show's writers utilize Martin's prose and often improve on it.

6. Stereotyping (typical fantasy stuff)- Wow, I can't believe this criticism. Well yes.. there are dragons. And yes.. there is magic. This is about a stereotypical as it gets. The entire point of the show is to take your typical "fantasy" and turn it upside-down. There are no totally good guys. There are no totally bad guys. Someone you hate in Season one, you may love by Season 3. Characters also act like real people. They are fully fleshed and not just cardboard cut out's. I guess if you are looking for stereotypical fantasy, this isn't it, but there is no way this is stereotypical.
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Game of sellouts.
Chaos Dowie22 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show started out incredibly strong. It was at the forefront of glamorous TV. Never before had Hollywood level acting and visuals been applied to a long running TV series. This show broke the mold, and continued to do so for 5 seasons. Until the show surpassed the literature it was based on. Game of Thrones held no punches, it didn't care what the viewers opinion on a character was, the lines between good and evil were blurred, and because of this it was unique. This started to derail in season 6, when the show began to develop its on takes on story arcs of the books. It was instantly obvious the writing staff were toddlers compared to the father of the story. But it still held things together. Until season 7. The first scene that greets us was completely unnecessary and can only be labelled as fan service. Something the show had never done before, Frey was killed off solely to promote a positive response from fans. Within moments we are then introduced to Ed Sheeran, with a scene that could only have been placed to humanize the "enemy" however the family in question had never been classed as the enemy prior, before they were simply another side in the conflict. That scene destroyed the dynamic of the show and changed its message completely. Further enforced by the fact that suddenly everyone's picked a side. The show has changed from a power struggle to clichéd good vs evil. Dripping with the political beliefs of the shows writers, every second word that seems to be coming out of characters mouths screams "girl power" which is fine, but at least find an intelligent way to implement it, rather than slapping everyone in the face with it every time a strong female lead is shown. The pace of the show has also been lost, with it a lot of power the story held, everything seems rushed with season 7, each scene is being done as quickly as it can, detracting from the impact it would have had. The show has lost everything that made it unique.
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Perhaps the most overrated show to ever exist
melssnailshop24 June 2015
Where Game of Thrones stumbles is it's (dis)ability to properly handle characters and a story at once. The creators of this show are apparently bound on showing needless scenes of naked woman belittling themselves in every episode. Nothing is right with that statement. Just because your show is on HBO doesn't mean nudity needs to appear whenever possible. See Silicon Valley, why can't all HBO shows handle nudity like that? Oh yeah, because Game of Thrones needs an audience. Strip the nudity and you have a worthless show that may be the most atrocious thing to ever exist. Perhaps you will all see come the final season, because eventually the writers have to stop daydreaming of women and actually make a television show.
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The shark has been jumped.
Richard Bass8 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It always felt like this show was sitting just below excellence. Feeling the need to take a cheeky giggle at a nipple or dick every so often to make the viewer pay attention.

D+D The producers of the show clearly think you're not very clever if you watch this program. You need a pair of boobs every so often to keep you going through a story far too difficult to follow for a TV simpleton. That's nonsense, and yet they do it every episode. No one in Game of Thrones is looking to fight for what they believe in, or for honour, or for freedom. They're too busy wandering from North to South and East to West finding their next companion for ludicrous out of the blue sex scenes.

If it's not sex, then the character will probably die at any moment too. Killing characters makes a show deep and clever, no one is safe...that's what you're supposed to believe. The boobs are classy, the deaths are clever. Shut up and eat some popcorn and stop thinking about the world or questioning the dubious quality of this show. If you wanted clever you'd read a book, but lalalalalala there isn't a book like this anywhere on the planet and you should definitely not look for one!

The way this story has proceeded is pathetic. Shallow. Half baked and weak throughout. Characters have no depth what so ever. TV can be excellent and characters can be complex, just check out Breaking Bad for a quick and easy example. Shows do not need constant death or constant sex to sell. We don't need silly one liners throughout every scene. The story to Game of Thrones was supposed to be epic, and yet it's now just one big story about how a pretty girl with nice boobs and 3 dragons is going to fly across the world and become queen.

This is not good enough and the shark has officially jumped.
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Best show ever!
Game of Thrones, the best TV show ever! But y'all know that already.

There is nothing more that I can praise that hasn't been said on here already.

I'm just here to put my 2 cents worth in because I'm a huge fan.

I will admit I waited till the hype was still on during season 3 before I said "ok, gotta see what all then hype is about", and thus I binge watched the first 2 seasons and every season thereafter.

Pure genius! A perfect 10/10!
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Absolutely amazing
martinm-0434018 April 2016
With an average score of almost 10/10 from almost 1 million users, do I even need to write a review? Oh well, why not?

No TV series or movies can be compared to GoT.

In many BS movies/shows you can predict the ending after watching it for a few minutes (good ones always win and the bad ones seem to be completely retarded, blind, and incompetent. Well, not anymore!!!

The story in GoT is absolutely amazing, filled with interesting and "realistic" plot twists and unexpected events.

Acting is great, costumes and scenery as well. Every character is unique and interesting, and its great watching them develop. Everything is top quality.

If you start watching this, be prepared to get addicted quickly - you'll just feel a strong urge to watch the next episode, and another, and another until no more episodes are left.

There is a downside to GoT however that needs to be mentioned: as many have stated, after watching it, you will realize that 99% shows/movies out there are not up to its standards. A show of this quality is rare indeed.
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Series without any ethics and with nothing good to feel about
ceo-6603220 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing today in Game of Trones how father let her kid/daughter being burned alive, I realized that author of this serial, as well as HBO may need professional (medical) assistance. Actually, since the beginning, it is hard to find anything that would make anyone feeling good. Seems normal people are in this series only and exclusively heading to miserable ends (being brutally killed, beheaded, burned, skulls being crushed by bare hands to name a few - and any similarity with world around us is pure coincidence) while negative characters are in full swing!

So what is the message of your work Mr Martin? Enlighten me, please.

As far as I am concerned, G of T is for me finished.

Mr Martin your G of T stories may make a lot of money but are in the essence sick, barbarian and ethically worthless works. No one learned anything from you, neither become a better person by watching your work. Wonder if your kids watch your masterpieces and how do you feel about the moment that motivated me to write all this.

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Heads up for GAME OF THRONES
gradyharp18 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It has begun! The much touted HBO miniseries A GAME OF THRONES arrived with Episode 1, and though the entire series cannot be judged on one episode, this initial hour has all the promise of an involving and visually stunning adaptation of the 1996 George R.R. Martin series of books of adult fantasy fiction titled 'A Song of Ice and Fire'. The 'game' is played by seven families - Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Greyjoy, Tully, Arryn, and Tyrell - and what we find in the initial episode is a taste of the intrigue to come.

In this first episode Lord Eddard Stark (Sean Bean) is the patriarch of House Stark, one of the major noble houses of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and ancestral rulers of the North. Near the castle of Winterfell, Eddard's children discover a dead direwolf and five of its pups still alive. As the direwolf is the symbol of the Starks, Eddard allows each of his five children to keep one of the pups as pet. A sixth pup is discovered a short distance away from the others. It is a mute albino, and this one is given to Jon Snow (Kit Harington), the bastard son of Lord Eddard Stark. King Robert Baratheon (Mark Addy) , Eddard's childhood friend, journeys to Winterfell with his family to ask Eddard to become Hand of the King, the top adviser and military commander in the realm, due to the death of the previous Hand, Lord Jon Arryn. Eddard's wife, Catelyn Stark (Michelle Fairley), receives a letter from her sister Lysa Arryn, stating that Jon Arryn's death was a murder plotted by Queen Cersei (Lena Headey) and her powerful family, the Lannisters. Though reluctant to leave his duties and family, Eddard is convinced by his wife to accept the position in order to investigate Jon Arryn's death. Eddard's middle son Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead-Wright) is engaging in climbing Winterfell castle's walls and towers accidentally sees Queen Cersei and her twin brother Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau) having incestuous relations. To protect their secret affair, Jaime throws the boy out of a tower window. Where the story goes form here will follow throughout the remaining episodes.

Though some would criticize an early report on a series merely at its inception, it seems only fitting that offering a word on encouragement to pay attention to this new series is warranted. We can only hope that the series continues to build as it progresses. The cast is filled with excellent actors, both seasoned and refreshingly new.

Grady Harp
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disgusting, overrated, pointless
pokanik24 November 2015
Game of thrones must be the most overrated show I've ever seen. I've suffered through 5 season of this garbage so far and I simply cannot understand why anyone would ever like this show. You can sum up the whole show in one word: violence. This show basically shows people get physically and emotionally tortured and killed for five seasons. That's it. Nothing else is happening. They're trying to make it look like a political thriller full of intrigue, betrayal and plot twists. But it's not. All the scheming and colluding the characters do leads to nothing, because they all eventually get tortured and brutally killed. There is no action, there are no battles, there is no strategy, there is no mystery, there is no magic. Although they keep promising all of that since s01e01. There's just pointless violence.

Watch this only if you've already watched every other show ever made ever.
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Had enough of sadistic violence.
kenyhigy6 June 2015
Have to say that shortly after the start of season five I have become weary of so much sadistic violence over and over again and not anything good ever happening. The story line keeps dragging on and on with seemingly only new angles on just what different and graphic forms of killing and mutilation can be devised and delivered with optimum special effects. It is a game of thrones and a game where not only nobody wins but just how badly everyone loses, one at a time, told in layered story groupings, episode after episode. Enough already. Apparently this is what keeps the series ratings high and I just no longer want to be a part of this feed so goodbye Game of Thrones.
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Possibly the worst storyline I will ever encounter...
dumaal15 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I must say that the realization of this series is astonishing. Acting is great, image is great, music is great. The story on the other hand is worst trash. Nobody knows how it will end, but I can tell you, ...unfortunately. It will have no particular meaningful end. Everybody will be killed or die in some disturbing way, and at the end you will not remember how and why it all started, which is actually true for the last few seasons even now. The whole world desperately awaits for a meaning but there will never be one. Whenever the story will end, it could have ended equally well after the 1st season. Even in Chinese movies the tragedy has some deepness, there is honor, sacrifice, values, and death has purpose, in this one if something resembles to anything, one can be certain it is just a vessel for surprising the viewer with another unexpected random death. A pattern emerged and after 5 seasons any hope for a decent story is long dead. The worst part is millions of people are disturbed by the story but they keep looking for the hope it will get better. It never will. When people wait starts to obviously become annoying the author just kills the main character, does not matter how, and this way makes the story unexpected, again. It is so dumb when you actually think of it, that no one put that before on paper, with success at least. You will probably continue to watch, and only the end will show you what an incredible waste of time this TV series was.
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