
You blocked @MaxEhrenfreund

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  1. Mar 8

    For decades, this town was *the* cultural capital of the white working class. Now it's trying to change. via

  2. Mar 7

    Did you guys know that a melania is a type of freshwater snail?

  3. Mar 7

    I spent yesterday reading about pre-Darwinian theories of invertebrate evolution

  4. Mar 5

    Never mistake incompetence for savvy.

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  5. Mar 5

    I mean, yeah, what did you think was gonna happen?

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  6. Mar 5

    I'm no "veteran operative" but I'm pretty sure what happened was the DCCC totally messed up and now they're trying to cover for it. An unknown progressive candidate in suburban Texas couldn't ask for a better fundraising/media gift than having the DCCC publish oppo on her.

  7. Mar 2

    This seems right to me. Every trade war is also a capital flows war, and "perpetual capital flows war" would describe Europe pretty well.

  8. Mar 2
  9. Mar 2

    This article also shows why the tariffs are a big deal. The economic impact we can hope will be small. But something really did change at the White House this month in terms of how decisions are getting made.

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  10. Mar 2

    This is wild. He's the president of the United States. How does he not "have direct access to" one of his advisers?

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  11. Retweeted
    Mar 2

    In pre-dawn tweet, Trump says: 1) Trade war is ON 2) This is good 3) He will win

  12. Mar 1
  13. Mar 1

    Corn and soybeans up 1.1% today. Commodities traders seem more worried about overall inflation than retaliation against specific industries

  14. Mar 1

    So far, it does not look like commodities markets are especially worried about retaliation against Trump's steel/aluminum tariff.

  15. Mar 1

    Basically, I think markets may be reacting not to the economic consequences of Trump's tariff itself, but what the announcement reveals about who is really in charge of economic policy at the White House.

  16. Retweeted
    Mar 1

    Trump said that if one country was exempted, all other countries would be in line to ask for those exemptions, and that that country would be a vehicle for transshipment

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  17. Mar 1

    I'm glad there are people out there who can answer the many questions I have right now

  18. Mar 1

    5. We're all holding the same cards we were this morning, before Trump announced the steel tariff. Now, the bluff has been called.

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  19. Mar 1

    4. Investors always thought the adults would stay in charge. So they just didn't believe Trump on trade. Now they have to.

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  20. Mar 1

    3. I also wonder if it's not just economic. The protectionists sneaking this thing through is a signal of who has clout in Trump's White House.

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