
Having a Drink while Pregnant? Think Again

While the majority of the public agrees that drinking large volumes of alcohol during pregnancy is deleterious for developing babies, there is a misconception that drinking small amounts is harmless.

Please join NIAAA's Women, Drinking, and Pregnancy Work Group (WDP) for a thought-provoking and informative webinar on "Reducing Alcohol-related and Other Behavioral Health Disparities Among Hispanic Women and Girls," tomorrow, Friday, March 30, 2018, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm.

97 Reviews
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Nancye Kopke
· December 13, 2017
Ths place is awesome and good company :)
Kara Buchanan Smith
· February 2, 2016
I really love this organization. I would however like to see your videos captioned or with someone signing a video for deaf and hard of hearing moms. There is a whole population of women who need to b...e reached. I'd love to help in this if I can See More
Barry Richard Samuels
· December 4, 2014
I wanted thank Kathy Mitchell and NOFAS for presenting a training session to my son's service provider. My son is 24 years old and has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. My son's service provider has not been tr...ained in dealing with anyone that has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. When I tried to find assistance for my son. I am very blessed that Kathy Mitchell has been provided to my son's service See More
Tia Scott
· December 15, 2015
the more I can understand this of what I did to my daughter breaks my heart and I still have to live a happy n productive life it's always there. sad. and happy
James Curl
· September 16, 2014
My road through the
Rabbit hole
By Jim Curl...

Dedicated to all those in AA
Please print a copy and read at your next meeting.

Hello again Alice,
I see you are still in the corridor of denial. It's the drugs and alcohol, Alice. Think about that. Alice you are living in an Alice and wonderland world. You have entered into the rabbit hole, which is an endless abyss of drugs and alcohol. You haven't gotten to the bottom yet, but you soon will. Anyone that ever enters into the rabbit hole is destined to live in the darkness of their own denial. As you fall deeper and deeper into that darkness, you will try, as you will, to make yourself believe you don't have a problem. Look at yourself Alice. It seems that even your ability to manipulate is beginning to fail as you continue to fall deeper and deeper. Does it seem as though no one is listening. Alice wake up. You are letting the depths and darkness of denial consume you.
Can you count how many friends you have Alice? I mean the ones that haven't gone into the rabbit hole. Can you see anyone down there with you? Maybe someone else, perhaps, who lost their family to this bottomless pit. Oh yes of course, those whom want to keep you in the darkness will always be there, they survive on your family's blood. Alice, it seems you have always ignored your true friends and family. Can't you see, they were only trying to keep you from that dark road into the rabbit hole. I doubt that you will listen even now, like so many, you will probably just continue to be blind to life and just wonder deeper and deeper into your abyss.
Alice I feel I must tell you my story. In hopes it will help you.
Not so many years ago I was taken on a trip into the rabbit hole. The very people I believed to be my friends. Led me into my rabbit hole through a whiskey bottle and the enticement of some hallucinations. My ride into this dark and empty place only seemed to last just a few days. The reality of it, in real time, many years had passed. I had only been fooling myself, for in the darkness of my own blind denial. I seemed to wonder endlessly through this abyss of false and misleading corridors. Each with a different scenes of my own denial. As I stumbled my way through the darkness, looking for a so called friend I only found myself deeper into what had become, my own self made hell. I slowly began to realize. There were no friends to be found. All of what was down here were blood suckers. Realizing these blood suckers had taken my everything. (My family, my home, my job, my self respect, my pride and my dignity). I began to realize there must be a ladder out of this self made hell. As I reached deep in side, I found that to assemble a ladder, strong enough to carry me up and out. I must find and build each rung as my goals in life. For the rails or sides to be built strong I knew I must start with, truth and honesty, on one side, love and compassion on the other. After piecing together what I had so far, I was able to begin the long climb out. Recognizing the power of truth and honesty I became able to understand and cope with my denials, and yes their were many. With my newly found love and compassion. I could now better understand my real family and friends.
I was now ready to pick my head up and start this long climb. Each rung was a struggle. But during this climb I found knowledge, wisdom, experience and understanding. These would be but a few of the building blocks to my recovery. Now with my main objective in sight. I found my self with both feet on high ground. Along with this new found sobriety. I found a job and was gaining back some self respect. I was becoming a productive and self respecting citizen. I soon found a woman who did not drink drug or smoke. My kids were even happy for me and even making trips to visit. Although I had acquired many many material things and regained some of the respect of my children. I still wasn't free from that never ending abyss of drugs an alcohol. The road a head got bumpy and eventually ended in divorce. It seamed as though I was falling again. With all of what seemed to be my last bit of strength I caught an top rung and pulled myself up and into an 18 wheeler. Where I stayed for several years, only calling home and family a couple times a year. (We had no cell phones back then). Yes it was a long and lonesome road. But one I had to take alone. During this time I began to realize this was no ordinary rabbit hole Alice, it was truly the bottomless pit of my own, self made Hell, Truly (Hell it's self).
We'll as time went by I received what I believed to be a gift right from God. I had found the most beautiful most wonderful and the most caring woman on the planet. She is my every thing. Although she has helped hold my ladder and I feel on top of the world today. I must never lose sight, for once you have fallen into the drug and alcohol rabbit hole. It will never close. It is like a giant black hole, reaching for anyone it can suck in.
Alice I can not tell you what to do. The rungs you use to pull yourself up are yours and yours alone. No one can do it for you. Alice you can do it. Your ladder is there you must reach deep inside to find it. Don't look for any of those blood suckers down there with you to lead you to it. It's certain they can't even find their own. Again this ladder is yours and yours alone. Alice I am just a concerned old man, and I may not be the sharpest tack in the drawer. But I do know what I have in material things, don't amount to a hill of beans, without the love of family, health and sobriety.
I have started over twice Alice. I know it can be done. Don't wait until it's to late. Your children need you now. Alice the time is now. Your children and family love you and are awaiting your example. Please Alice show them you are no quitter. What I have tried to give you here Alice is from my heart. Please Alice. It's up to you.
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Jan Radford
· March 9, 2015
I check out this organization's website and information frequently as a professional & parent of children prenatally exposed to a variety of substances. Keep up the great work !
Angie Klenck
· December 30, 2014
NOFAS- Thank you for being the voice that stands behind our loved ones. Thank you for fighting for their rights, and for the future that they so desperately deserve.
Elizabeth Guerrido
June 8, 2013
Me &my Live Abilities team are always available for public speaking anytime so feel free to contact Jodee @ (612)408-2942
Mattia J. Dizard
· May 16, 2014
I think if obgyns do alcohol testing during prenatal visits it may be caught to prevent further damage or death of fetus
Pass it On! - Short Version - Collaborative Video for FASD Awa...
NOFAS produced this video interview with Stephen DeJoseph, a young man who is mildly affected by FASD. Stephen has problems with organization and memory, while he excels in many other areas of his life.
Stamp Out Stigma - A Message from NOFAS