Exam rules and expectations

Students Exams & Results Exam rules and expectations

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the exam date, location and start time and what items you are permitted to take into the exam room.

Prior to sitting an exam, please read through the Examination Requirements Policy – this document includes the full list of exam rules and procedures.

Photo ID

You must provide photo ID in your exam to prove your identity. This can be your JCU Student ID card, driver’s license or other photo ID.

Exam rules in summary

  • Bring photo identification with you to the exam.

  • Do not bring unauthorised materials into the exam room.

  • If you arrive late, you will not be permitted to enter the exam room after the first hour.

  • Follow the exam supervisor’s instructions at all times.

  • Do not communicate with anyone except for the exam supervisor.

  • Do not start writing until instructed to do so by the supervisor.

  • Do not get up from your desk or leave the room without the supervisor’s permission.

  • Do not copy other students or allow others to copy your work.

Late arrivals

You can enter the exam room within one hour of the official start time, with permission from the exam supervisor.

Late students do not receive any extra time to complete the exam.

If you arrive later than one hour, you will not be permitted into the exam room. In this situation you must apply to defer your examination; however a deferred exam will only be granted under exceptional circumstances.

Exam materials

Authorised materials
Each exam has its own list of items you can take with you into the exam room. Check the details for your exam carefully at Students Online two weeks before the start of the exam period.

The following items are permitted in all JCU exams: pencils, pens, erasers, whiteout, rulers and a clear bottle of water with the label removed.

Other materials need to be authorised for particular exams. These can include English dictionaries (provided by Examinations), bilingual dictionaries (see special requirements in exams) and different types of calculators and reference materials.

Unauthorised materials
Unauthorised materials can include blank sheets of paper, handwritten notes, authorised books that are annotated (containing explanatory notes), if this is not permitted, or hidden notes.

Electronic devices of any kind are not permitted in the exam room. This includes, but is not limited to, mobile phones, pagers, iPods, iPads, smart watches and electronic dictionaries. All of these devices must be turned off and left in your bag. If you do not have a bag, the device must be handed to the supervisor in the room and will be returned to you at the end of the exam.

If you take unauthorised materials into an exam there are serious consequences. You could be investigated in accordance with the Student Academic Misconduct Requirements policy.

Special arrangements

If you have a medical condition and need access to special materials and/or medication or in your exam, see Special requirements in exams.

Breaches of the exam rules

Any breach of the exam rules will be dealt with, as appropriate, by the exam supervisors in the first instance. Exam supervisors will report all breaches of the exam rules. Where inappropriate student conduct or academic misconduct is suspected, these breaches will be reported to the Director, Student Services.

More information

Examination Requirements policy
Student Academic Misconduct Requirements policy
Student Access to a Dictionary During an Examination
Contact the Student Centre

Top exam FAQs:
What if I can’t sit my exam at my home campus?
What if I’m running late for an exam?
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Where can I find past exams?
What is a supplementary exam?
When can I access my timetable for a deferred or supplementary exam?