Counselling Services

You do not need to be in crisis or dealing with a serious problem to access a counsellor.

JCU counselling is a free, confidential service for all enrolled students, provided in a safe and supportive environment.

You can have your counselling session face to face, on the phone or via Skype and can discuss issues and difficulties that could interfere with your study. It can help you build strengths, improve wellbeing and achieve academic success.

Counsellors can provide you with relevant information and assist you to build the skills and resilience to manage a variety of issues, including:

  • Low mood
  • Stress
  • Relationships
  • Procrastination
  • Loss and grief
  • Assessment support
  • Equity (e.g. harassment or discrimination)

Wellbeing Counsellors

Student Wellbeing Counsellors offer short-term, solution focused outcomes to help you overcome challenges. They will help you to understand and cope with a range of issues and help you to develop solutions to make changes to your life. They can provide support to assist you to keep well, as well as support you during a crisis. Student Wellbeing Counsellors are independent, good listeners, and do not blame or pass judgement. All appointments are confidential.

Student Wellbeing Counsellors can also help you explore alternatives so you can make the best possible decisions for yourself. They can suggest relevant resources and tools that may be of use to you. They are knowledgeable about university processes, such as special consideration, and have close links with other JCU services. They can also refer you internally or to external providers if required to meet your individual support needs.


You may be referred to, or have an appointment with one of our psychologists who are experts in human emotions, behaviour and mental processes.

Our psychologists are registered with the Psychology Board of Australia and abide by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) code of ethics. They can support you in making changes and do this with a range of evidence-based strategies. They also have close connections with JCU services, academic and professional staff and the wider community.

What to expect

You will likely speak with a Student Support Officer when you first book or arrive for your counselling appointment. They will help determine if counselling is the best option for you. They may suggest other options, such as visiting another service on campus, visiting your GP or doctor, or contacting a relevant community service.

Please be on time for your appointment. If you are more than 15 minutes late we will reschedule your appointment.

Counselling sessions generally take about 50 minutes. Prior to your first appointment, you will be asked to complete a brief intake form. The information you provide will be treated with appropriate confidentiality and will help us to provide you with the support you need.

There will usually be a short wait time for your appointment. While you are waiting you can access information sheets, tips and advice from our Resources library.

To reschedule or cancel your appointment time we require at least 24 hours notice. This allows us to offer all available appointments to other students who may be waiting.

Managing issues with assessment

If possible, speak directly to your Tutor or Lecturer to let them know there is an issue. The issue could be resolved at this point.

In most circumstances, in order for a JCU counsellor to support a request for special consideration or an extension they will need to see you more than once.

If you have been an ongoing client of the JCU counselling service, the counsellor may be able to provide you with document to support a request for an extension or special consideration.

Where you have not been a client of the service before, your GP or other treating practitioner may be able to provide you with supporting documentation.

For more specific information about exam deferrals and special consideration, see Deferring Exams or Applying for Special Consideration.