Healthcare Sciences

James Cook University's Healthcare Sciences courses incorporate significant clinical experience in areas of workforce need. We have cutting-edge facilities to support our students, including an Occupational Therapy clinic, a Speech Pathology clinic, strength and conditioning laboratories, and an Exercise Testing and Rehabilitation clinic.

Postgraduate coursework study provides pathways for health professionals to progress their careers through full time or flexible options.

Study at JCU

Explore your options by browsing our range of diploma, bachelor and post graduate courses.


Meet our students

Our students endeavour to make life matter and choose a career path that suits their long-term goals.

Emily's Story

Hear why Emily chose to study Physiotherapy at JCU.
Learn more

Still haven’t found what you’re looking for? Browse our complete course guide, organise a campus tour or have additional questions answered on the spot.

Course guide

Course guide

Provides an overview of all the undergraduate courses available at JCU. You'll also find information about on-campus accommodation, campus life, student support, pathway options and more.

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Campus tour

Campus tour

Guided tours are a fantastic way to get a general overview of the campus, main lecture theatres, the library and other facilities. You’ll also get the chance to talk to future and current students.

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