UK weather: 'Mini Beast from the East' set to grip Britain as Met Office extends weekend snow and ice warnings

Most of England is likely to see snow this weekend, the Met Office has said, as a second cold snap dubbed a "mini Beast from the East" looks set to grip the country.

Temperatures are poised to tumble as the bitter blast could bring up to 5cm (2in) in some parts and up to 20cm (7in) on higher ground - prompting yellow snow warnings to be issued.

A yellow severe weather warning of snow and ice for eastern parts of the UK on Friday has been updated by the Met Office. The warning will be in place from 6pm until 11.55pm.

Met Office warnings for snow and ice for central and eastern Scotland and the north east run into all of Saturday, where more of England - including London, the South East and southern England - is included.

The warning for all of Sunday, when "significant snowfall" is expected, shows vast swathes of the south, central and east of England covered by the yellow advisory.

Across the weekend, the Met Office yellow snow warning states that travel disruption is possible, rural communities could become cut off, vehicles may be stranded and power cuts may occur.

Forecaster Craig Snell said the cold snap will only last a few days, and with a high of 15.9C (60.6F) on Thursday, he warned many places in Britain over the weekend will be nearer to freezing.

"As we go through the course of Friday the rain across eastern Scotland and north east England will gradually transition to snow across the higher ground," he said.

"Then as we go through Friday night and into Saturday, that snow risk then falls down to lower levels and with an increased risk of ice as well."

He added: "Sunday will see a fairly widespread yellow warning for snow across a good chunk of England, and also parts of eastern Wales.

"The other thing to note is that will be quite windy and that will enhance the cold feel.

"If you factor in the strength of the wind it will be feeling probably sub zero, so a big change in how it is going to feel out there over the weekend."

Mr Snell added: "I think if you live in England at least there will be a good chance you will probably see some snow, whether it amounts to much will depend on where you are.

"Some places might see 2-5cm other places might see a brief dusting."

Weather map for Friday and four days ahead 

Meteorologist Martin Bowles said the weekend's weather is not Beast from the East Mark Two, but could be called a "mini Beast from the East" as it will be less severe.

He added: "We don't expect anything like the same impact as a result of it, although there will be some snow about."