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AITHM James Cook University

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14 March 2018

Taking the jab (and the chill) out of vaccination

A team led by Associate Professor John Miles from James Cook University and Cardiff University’s Professor Andrew Sewell describe how they engineered a new vaccine production platform and built a fully synthetic flu vaccine.
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31 January 2018

Innovative research supported

A James Cook University researcher is the first to be funded by a new $5 million research centre announced today by the Children’s Hospital Foundation.
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12 January 2018

Common virus the key to early detection of a cancer

AITHM researchers have identified a subset of 14 antibodies that predict, with high accuracy, an individual’s risk of developing nasopharyngeal carcinoma - an infection-related cancer.
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10 January 2018

Can parasitic worms protect against type 2 diabetes?

Researchers at the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine and the Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention at James Cook University (JCU) are collaborating to infect people with worms to trial their effectiveness in preventing type 2 diabetes.
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01 December 2017

New research agenda to eradicate malaria

A James Cook University scientist is at the forefront of renewed international efforts to eradicate malaria from the face of the earth.
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16 October 2017

JCU to fight disabling tropical diseases with WHO

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has picked James Cook University as a partner to battle diseases that kill more than a million people and make more than a billion people sick every year.
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13 October 2017

Grant to AITHM researcher targets malaria

An Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine researcher has been awarded funding to develop a malaria vaccine, that – if successful - could save nearly half a million lives a year.
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11 October 2017

AITHM scientists find scorpions target their venom

In the first study of its kind, AITHM scientists have shown scorpions can fine-tune their venom to suit different predators and prey.
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08 October 2017

$1.8M funding to tackle TB, Zika and other infectious diseases

AITHM has been awarded a $1.8M research grant to work towards building tropical partnerships and strengthening health system responses to infectious disease in the Indo-Pacific.
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19 September 2017

Festival of Life Sciences

JCU Science Research Festival 2017
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08 September 2017

Food allergy - book publication

This book describes the molecular biology and immunology of major food allergens, from laboratory based science to clinical immunology, encompassing novel characterisation and quantification methods, the application of recombinant food allergens in molecular diagnosis and the development of novel therapeutics.
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07 September 2017

New weapons against tuberculosis

Research underway at the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) in Cairns and Townsville aims to save millions of lives currently threatened by tuberculosis (TB).
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17 August 2017

JCU buildings clean up at awards

JCU’s new, innovative buildings – The Science Place and AITHM, Townsville - have been recognised as the best of their type by the Master Builders North Queensland.
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14 August 2017

AITHM researchers honoured in QLD science awards

James Cook University researchers have picked up nearly half of this year’s Queensland Young Tall Poppy Science Awards, with two from AITHM.
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11 August 2017

New clinical trial commences in TRF

Professor of Medicine, Damon Eisen is calling for local women who are post-menopausal and who have experienced more than three urinary tract infections (UTIs) in a 12-month period to sign up to a clinical trial to test the theory that aspirin will help reduce the incidence of the condition.
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05 July 2017

Can a common diabetes drug slow aneurysm growth?

A new study by researchers at the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) at James Cook University has found a common diabetes medication could limit the need for surgery in patients suffering from a potentially life threatening aneurysm.
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04 July 2017

Tackling the biggest killer you may never have heard of

Merck has combined with the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) at James Cook University in Cairns, Baylor College of Medicine (Texas, USA) and Austrade, the Australian Government’s investment promotion agency, to work on developing diagnostic tools and vaccines for schistosomiasis.
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26 May 2017

Designer worm spit supercharges healing

Every day 12 Australian diabetics have a limb amputated because of a non-healing wound. Globally, it’s one every 30 seconds. A molecule produced by a Thai liver parasite could be the solution to those non-healing wounds – and scientists from the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) in Cairns are now able to produce a version of the molecule on a large enough scale to make it available for laboratory tests and eventually clinical trials.
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10 May 2017

MRCF internship - Q & A with Dr Sandip Kamath

AITHM's Dr Sandip Kamath recently undertook an internship with MCRF. He took some time to tell us a little more about his experiences.
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08 May 2017

Professor Maxine Whittaker’s career contributions recognised

AITHM Deputy Director Maxine Whittaker was recently awarded the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) International Medal for 2017.
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02 May 2017

Research opportunities

As a way of sharing more information for researchers, please see some upcoming international research opportunities are now open - Germany, China, Indonesia and the many countries participating in various schemes such as the Endeavour scholarships.
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27 April 2017

Tightening the net on malaria

In parts of the world, especially sub-Saharan Africa, a mosquito bite is more than just irritating — it can be potentially deadly. In 2015, almost half of the world’s population was at risk of malaria. Symptoms can include fever, fatigue, vomiting and headaches. The worst cases can cause yellow skin, seizures, coma or death.
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28 March 2017

Queensland's Emerging Science Leader

Dr Paul Giacomin awarded Queensland’s inaugural Emerging Science Leader at a reception on 23 March.
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23 February 2017

Australia-Vietnam Researcher Exchange Program

Expressions of interest (EOI) are invited from Australian universities and research institutes to participate in the 2017 Australia-Vietnam Researcher Exchange Program. This is an initiative of the Australian Government to strengthen the science and innovation partnership between Australia and Vietnam at the researcher - and institutional level.
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02 February 2017

Stress hormones underlie Indigenous health gap in Australia

AITHM scientists have made a disturbing finding about some young Indigenous people’s biological reaction to stress, but one that could help close the health gap for indigenous people. The researchers have found young adult Indigenous people they tested show impaired secretion of the stress hormone cortisol and that their biological stress response is linked to the racial discrimination they experience.
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17 January 2017

African Researchers' Small Grants Program

This first call for proposals is targeted at outstanding researchers and academics based at research institutions or universities in Africa. Applicants will have to demonstrate that the proposed research or activity is aligned with country/program interests and has potential institutional/individual capacity-building impact. The small grants targeted at junior researchers at the Masters or PhD level will provide up to four 1-year grants, each ranging from USD 5,000-15,000. Three small 1-year grants for mid-career and/or senior researchers will be provided, each ranging from USD 15,000-25,000.
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15 December 2016

AITHM researchers to investigate full cost of stillbirth

While acknowledging the heartbreaking emotional toll of stillbirth, a James Cook University team is also looking at the economic cost of the tragedy. Dr Emily Callander from the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) at JCU will lead the Health Economics element of a new Centre of Research Excellence (CRE), based at the Mater Research Institute. The team will evaluate the full economic cost of stillbirth and the economic implications of reducing it.
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08 December 2016

Mackay ready to establish a Centre of Excellence to tackle Black Lung disease

Researchers and healthcare professionals have called for a Black Lung Centre of Excellence to be based in the region of Mackay – a one-stop shop for combating the disease.
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06 December 2016

AITHM researchers put preventive health back on the agenda by tackling smoking in Indigenous communities

Researchers from the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) at James Cook University will play a significant role in major new projects in the Northern Territory and Queensland aimed at reducing smoking and its harm to Indigenous communities.
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05 December 2016

TB Research gets a booster shot

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) funding just announced delivers a welcome boost to a Cairns-based researcher who is working on new approaches to defeating tuberculosis.
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03 November 2016

Prawns and eggs may be back on the table for kids

AITHM’s Dr Sandip Kamath was recently awarded $318,768 under the 2016 National Health and Medical Research Council’s Grants Round for his research into food allergies.
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27 October 2016

Worms against the wheeze

Asthmatics could breathe easier in the future with help from an unlikely quarter – parasitic hookworms. Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) researchers, at James Cook University (JCU) in Cairns, Australia, have identified a protein secreted by hookworms that suppresses asthma in mice.
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19 October 2016

AITHM welcomes new Board Director

The Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine at James Cook University is pleased to announce the appointment of former Senator for Queensland the Honourable Jan McLucas as a new Board Director.
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07 October 2016

New frontier in tropical health and medicine research

Australian research into tropical health and medicine has received a major boost with the opening of a $31M world-class infectious diseases research facility at James Cook University’s Townsville campus.
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07 October 2016

Controlling TB and HIV Using a Health System Strengthening Approach

Dr. Stephanie conducts health systems research as part of a range of health system strengthening initiatives around the world, including most recently in Zambia. As a chief investigator on the Zambia Prisons Health Systems Strengthening Project, she looks to use health systems research to inform policy and program initiatives that tackle systemic weaknesses in prison health care and which make it impossible to contain infectious diseases including tuberculosis and HIV.
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08 September 2016

Construction underway for AITHM Cairns

AITHM hosted Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham and the Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch recently as they turned the first sod to mark the commencement of construction for AITHM’s world-class tropical health research and training facility in Cairns.
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18 August 2016

JCU's Winning Duo

An AITHM scientist has received one of Queensland’s most prestigious science prizes – the Queensland Young Tall Poppy award.
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10 August 2016

Exciting next step for AITHM Cairns

Cairns is one step closer to expanding its tropical health and medicine research, with the announcement of the successful tenderer to build the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) facilities on JCU’s Cairns campus.
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