Two more chances to submit 1940s photos for new Portland Memories book

After the tremendous response to our first Portland Memories book, The Oregonian/OregonLive will publish a second volume this year focused on Portland in the 1940s.

"Portland Memories – The War Years," a coffee table pictorial history book, will focus on nostalgic images of Portland during this eventful decade, including street scenes, schools and education, public service, celebrations, and commerce.

The heirloom-quality book will also highlight the city's role in the war effort: the shipyards, the creation and eventual flooding of Vanport and many other images that capture a slice of Portland life in the 1940s.

We're holding scanning sessions in July to capture reader contributions to the book. Many readers submitted photographs for our first volume "Portland Memories – The Early Years," published in 2016. The family photos readers shared were among the best in that book.

Community members are encouraged to bring photos to be scanned that meet the criteria.

Here's the kind of photos that will interest us:

General interest photos taken in Portland that show Portland commerce, transportation, architecture, industry or public service. (Photos of relatives in the back yard, aren't exactly what we're looking for. But pictures of people gathering at civic or community events or at work in the city would be most welcome.)

Black and white photos taken between 1940 and 1949. (Please no newspaper clippings or photocopies.)

Real photo postcards are also welcome.

Here's a list of upcoming sessions:

Saturday, July 15, noon to 2:30 p.m.

Hollywood Library

4040 NE Tillamook Street

Monday, July 17, 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

St. Johns Library

7510 N Charleston Avenue