Vaccines protect generations: Letter to the editor

(AP Photo/Eric Risberg)

Another article written on the importance of vaccines ("Low vaccination rates put some Oregon schools at high risk for measles," Feb. 11). So many have been written in the past, and yet I am unaware of any that have used this reasoning to encourage adults to vaccinate the children for whom they are responsible.

What happens when your children mature and become of child bearing age? Have you explored the list of potential birth defects your grandchild could acquire in utero if your child would contract one of these illnesses while pregnant? With rubella alone the list is long: deafness, cataracts, heart defects, intellectual difficulties, liver or spleen damage and low birth weight. In thinking you are creating a perfect and protected environment for your children in their growing years, I wonder how your adult children will feel should they contract one of these childhood illnesses while pregnant. I certainly would not want that responsibility.

Joan Peters, Southwest Portland