2017 Millennial Recruitment Trends

Millennials are one of the most talked about generations today and endure a multitude of stereotypes at the workplace: lazy, entitled and disloyal  to name a few. As some of these stereotypes are unfair generalizations, some studies actually indicate that millennials are more likely than other generations to leave their jobs within a couple years.
Times are changing however as the Deloitte Millennial Survey 2017 reports a recent trend with millennials: they are becoming more loyal to their employers. The study reports the following: Read more

The Real Cost Of Hiring The Wrong Person

People are the single most important part of any organization. Most consumers are willing to pay more for a great experience solely based on the people involved in a given organization. Knowing that most consumers won’t settle for anything short of a clearly superior product or service, hiring the right person is critical for the success of your organization. Read more

Why You Should Always Be Looking For Employees

Should You Be Looking for Employees When You Are Fully Staffed?

Imagine that you need to fill ten positions. After an exhaustive year of searching (assuming you match the national average) you have filled them all.  Everything is done, right?  Well, not quite, recruitment never really ends.  The average employee stays at an organization for less than three years in the best situation; millennials even less at the start of their career.  Not a problem you think – unless you consider the employees who have already been at your organization for three years or longer. Read more