A new cottage takes the place of an old garage: Friends and AirBnB guests invited (photos)

Leighann Franson and Mark Timby's dilapidated garage wasn't worth saving. Even the bulldozer operator they hired said it was the second most unstable structure he'd ever demolished.

Today, in its place, is a modern guest cottage. The tin roof and wood from the old garage was used for the back awning of the new home and century-old Douglas fir salvaged from another project was remade into window sills.

Instead of a garage with a grab-bag of tools, bikes and whatnots, the new structure shelters friends, family, community workshops and short-term tenants.

Franson, a writer, and Timby, a graphic designer and art director, moved to their property in North Portland's Arbor Lodge neighborhood 13 years ago. On the 4,792-square-foot lot was a bungalow built in 1926, which they live in, along with the detached garage.

The couple wanted more living space, but they didn't want to trade up or expand their 1,100-square-foot home. Still, room for visitors and an office space larger than a closet for the two freelancers to work side-by-side would be nice.

The longtime Oregonians and self-proclaimed minimalists decided that having two utilitarian buildings, rather than one large house, matched their values and lifestyle.

The solution: A separate, small dwelling with a multipurpose open floor plan, high ceilings and double doors that open to a patio and garden. The 515-square-foot house could also be rented to generate income to offset the high cost of building, which was $160,000 or $310 a square foot.

The building industry calls these rentable, self-contained shelters "accessory dwelling units" (ADUs). Owners prefer words based on the purpose of their extra abode -- to be used as a guest cottage or in-law flat -- or the location on the property, from an alley home to a garage suite.

Second homes sharing a city lot with an existing house are being created by homeowners adding an apartment wing to the original house, carving out space from underused rooms inside the residence or converting an unfinished basement or structurally sound garage into new living quarters.

About half of Portland's accessory units are detached new construction, which is the most expensive type, costing about $200 to $300 a square foot.

In any configuration, second homes are finding their place in Portland and other cities encouraged by local government and squeezed by housing shortages.

To motivate homeowners, the City of Portland has been waiving expensive system development fees for ADUs since 2010. The waiver, which has saved owners up to $19,000 in building costs, expires in July 2018.

Critics don't like ADUs' added density and parking issues as well as the decrease in gardens, trees and creature habitats. Privacy can be intruded upon when single- or second-story windows look into a neighbor's house or backyard.

Despite these and opponents' other concerns, Phil Nameny of Portland's Bureau of Planning and Sustainability says the city sees accessory dwellings as a viable component of its housing strategy.


Franson and Timby prepared for the project by taking a tour of legal tiny houses -- the Build Small, Live Large: Portland's Accessory Dwelling Unit Tour -- and attending an ADU development workshop. Both informational events were organized by Portland-based small housing advocate and educator Kol Peterson, who released his comprehensive, how-to book, "Backdoor Revolution: The Definitive Guide to ADU Development," in January.

Free ADU development talk
Kol Peterson, author of "Backdoor Revolution: The Definitive Guide to ADU Development" ($15 ebook, $25 print), is giving a free, public talk starting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 26 at Annie Bloom's Books, 7834 SW Capitol Highway in Portland. Peterson will also offer a class on the ADU development process on Saturday, April 21. Register at pdxadu.blogspot.com/p/adu-class-for-homeowners.html

The couple also talked to friends who had gone through the process and architects, including Alan Armstrong of StrongWork Architecture, whom they hired to design their second home.

After conducting online research -- AccessoryDwellings.org is a good source -- and reading books such as "What Your Contractor Can't Tell You," they interviewed general contractors and design-build firms. They selected Joe Robertson of Shelter Solutions to build the guesthouse.

After meetings at banks to discuss the cost of a home equity line of credit, they decided on a loan from a family member with a lower interest rate.

Construction took eight months since this is no cookie-cutter cottage: There are 21 windows, three skylights and three glass doors.

"My husband and I joke that we should call it 'the glass house,'" says Franson.


The couple, who are gardeners, permaculturalists and outdoor lovers, wanted to erased the boundaries between inside and outside. "Anyone who has lived in the Northwest long enough knows that light is a scarce resource for nine months of the year, so why not let it shine in?" she asks.

Even the bathroom has a window and glass pocket door.

Most of the windows and doors are south- and east-facing. To improve energy efficiency, they added three inches of spray foam to the blown-in insulation in the ceiling cavity. They also installed an electric Mitsubishi mini-split for heating and cooling as well as LED surface mount ceiling lights and LED bulbs.

An electrical conduit was laid in the utility trench to accommodate future solar panels.

Shelves in the kitchen and bathroom are made of reclaimed Douglas fir from Salvage Works, and IKEA's new line of 99 percent recycled cabinets were purchased for the kitchen.

Since Franson and Timby didn't maximize their second home's footprint, they preserved their yard and hope to convert the driveway into a garden.

"We wanted a space that could be used as a long- or short-term rental, a guesthouse for family and friends, an office, a community gathering space, and an open community space for teaching small workshops and gathering friends," says Franson.

The cottage has been used for most of these purposes since it was completed five months ago.

They rent their two-story garden retreat with a sleeping loft on AirBnB for up to 15 days a month to cover the costs of the construction loan and increase in property taxes, homeowner's insurance, utilities and property maintenance.

Two percent of profits is donated to five local nonprofits.

"Ultimately, our longer-term vision is to leave Portland to live more rurally, rent out our main house long-term and keep our ADU to use when we need to come back to town to meet with clients," says Franson, a graduate of the University of Oregon with an advance degree from Portland State. Timby attended Lewis & Clark College.

Franson acknowledges critics who disapprove of ADUs and how the city is subsidizing short-term rentals by waiving building fees.

But she focuses on what she calls the "intangible benefits" of small, secondary units that extend beyond the immediate needs of short- or long-term rentals.

"Our vision was to build a space that would bring community to us," she says.

They've hosted a workshop for 10 people. Four neighbors have used or will be using the guesthouse for visiting family members. Two more neighbors need it to house family when a grandchild is born.

"We've also had community gatherings," she say. "It's allowed us to meet and maintain our communities, and we're proud and grateful to share it. It's a gift!"

-- Janet Eastman
