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Russia Already Plotting to Sway 2018 Elections, Spy Chiefs Say

  • In an effort to deepen political divisions, U.S. intelligence chiefs said, Moscow is using fake accounts on social media — many of them bots — to spread disinformation.
  • The warnings were striking in their contrast to President Trump’s views on Russia.


White House Let Porter Keep His Job After F.B.I. Report

The F.B.I. chief upended the White House’s timeline of events, saying the bureau delivered its first report on Rob Porter, an aide who has since resigned amid domestic abuse claims, months earlier than officials had said.


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Photo by Margaret Cheatham Williams/The New York Times; Photo illustration by Aaron Byrd

How to Conquer the Doubles Luge

When they get nervous, the Americans Matt Mortensen and Jayson Terdiman think about a waterfall: Nothing can interrupt it.

The Daily

Listen to ‘The Daily’: G.O.P. and the Deficit

President Trump has proposed a budget that would add $7 trillion to the federal deficit. Republicans are saying nothing.



A Doctor’s Guide to a Good Appointment

Going to the doctor is part of staying healthy (the other major parts are what you eat and how much you exercise). So you may as well get the most out of it. Here’s some advice from a doctor about what you should do.

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How to Find a Reputable Tax Preparer

“If you’re just putting in numbers and hoping for the best,” an accountant says, “then maybe you need a preparer.”

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