2018 Digital Marketing Trends eBook

In 2020 U.S. spending on digital advertising is set to hit $113.18 billion, double the amount compared to just 2 years ago. Read more

Content Marketing 101 eBook

Does you business engage in content marketing? Considering that 91% of B2B marketers and 86% of B2C marketers report using content marketing as a part of their overall marketing strategy, it’s safe to say that content marketing is here to stay and the competition is only getting tougher. Read more

Building Your Company Brand: the Value of Video

As we have discussed in previous posts, your company brand is the perception potential job candidates hold for your company as an employer and should include three main components: your company’s culture, mission and values. One way to communicate you culture, mission and values is through video.  Read more

2018 Digital Marketing Trends: What’s Next for Video Marketing

The demand for video is higher than ever. In fact, 52% of marketing professionals across the globe feel that video is the type of content with the best ROI. With the younger demographic viewing video on a wider range of devices than ever before, 2018 will be an important year for brands to capitalize on video advertising to market
their products and services. Read more