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CURRENT ISSUE - January 26, 2018

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Great Teacher lecturer Dr. Alan R. Cohen also exhibited a great sense of humor.

Optogenetics Pioneer Reports Progress on Deciphering Sleep

Researchers have wondered for decades why and how we fall asleep. To solve several age-old questions about slumber, investigators are using a relatively young scientific technique—optogenetics—to study fruit flies hooked to treadmills...Read more

Dr. Jennifer Manly

Excess Growth Hormone Increases Risk of Heart Disease, Diabetes

Diseases of excess growth hormone, such as gigantism and symptoms, including diabetes...Read more

Dr. Alan Leshner touts communication at NIH.

NIDCR’s Boehm Travels to Africa for CDC Fellowship

Karina Boehm enjoys a good challenge. A lifelong interest in other languages and cultures inspired her to apply...Read more



Streptococcus pyrogenese bound to a human neutrophil
ON THE COVER: RNA incorporated into the CRISPR surveillance complex is positioned to scan across foreign DNA. Cryo-EM density from a 3Å reconstruction is shown as a yellow mesh.


About The NIH Record

Since 1949, the NIH Record has been published biweekly by the Editorial Operations Branch, Office of Communications and Public Liaison, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. For editorial policies, email editor or phone (301) 496-2125.

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‘Polar Bears’ Brave Cold, Can Now Earn ‘Bike Bucks’

Participants in the NIH Bicycle Commuter ClubÕs polar bear event include (from l) Ehud Goldin (NHGRI), Revell Phillips (NIGMS), Angela Atwood-Moore (NICHD), Marc Gwadz (NLM), Lisa Vasquez (NCI) and Pavel Butylin (NICHD). Morning temperatures dipped near the zero mark that day, but cyclists rode to work to emphasize their dedication to alternative means of commuting.

On Jan. 26—a day when morning temperatures dipped near zero—17 NIH’ers donned warm gear and participated in the NIH Bicycle Commuter Club’s Polar Bear event to emphasize their dedication to bike commuting. The club also has adopted a new incentive to attract more bike commuters—the chance to earn “bike bucks.”

NHLBI Gets in the Groove for National Wear Red Day, American Heart Month

HEW's New Bicentennial Exhibit Center,
BI-CENT-EX, Will Open on January 19

On Feb. 1, NHLBI celebrated National Wear Red Day and the start of American Heart Month by hosting several NIH-wide activities. People came together across campus to raise awareness of heart disease and celebrate those who are taking action to protect their hearts.

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Contact us Editor: Rich McManus
Associate Editor: Carla Garnett
Phone: (301) 496-2125
RNA incorporated into the CRISPR surveillance complex is positioned to scan across foreign DNA. Cryo-EM density from a 3? reconstruction is shown as a yellow mesh.