Research and Data

NACHC collects data, performs analysis, and applies information to empower communities in their efforts to improve public health. NACHC also educates the public, health officials, and decision-makers at the local, state, and national level about the critical role of health centers in promoting access to high quality, affordable health care that reduces disparities and advances community well-being.

Are you interested in conducting research with NACHC or health centers? 

Please review NACHC’s Research Collaboration Policy.

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Survey Documenting *Funding Cliff Impact* and other Policy Changes on Health Center Capacity: The survey is being conducted by NACHC in partnership with the George Washington University Geiger Gibson Program in Community Health Policy, the Kaiser Family Foundation Program on Medicaid and the Uninsured, and the RCHN Foundation. The survey covers: (1.) health center capacity constraints, particularly under the threat of a funding cliff; (2.) health centers’ role in health insurance outreach and enrollment; and (3.) addiction treatment services. The survey must be completed online. If your health center CEO did not receive a link to complete the survey, please email

Community Health Center Chartbook, June 2017: This resource is a compendium of health center research and data, displaying a series of charts, graphs, infographics, and maps on topics such as expanding access to care, high quality care and reducing health disparities, cost-effective care, and the health center workforce.

Helping Health Centers Assess and Address the Social Determinants of Health: This initiative has created and recently modified a tool that will allow health centers to collect and respond to data on the social determinants of health, known as PRAPARE for Protocol for Responding to and Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks, and Experiences. Visit for the most recent tools, resources, and webinars on how PRAPARE has been used with different Electronic Health Records and in different clinical settings.