This is a story that has all the ingredients of a Hollywood thriller, including high-tech espionage, Communist villains and American military heroes captured and...

Guadalcanal was "a place the no one ever heard of." History would show this small island from the Solomon chain near Australia would prove...

The long war in Iraq may finally be coming to an end. Our War Stories team was there when it started, and has chronicled...

In this War Stories podcast you are going to hear the story of a U.S. And allied tactical victory and a strategic defeat. It was...

It is one of the Vietnam War's most famous battles. The locals called it "Dong Ap Bia" or "Mountain of the Crouching Beast"; the...

It's been called The Forgotten War. Many in this country remember Korea as the setting for the film and television comedy series M.A.S.H....

On December 7, 1941 -- "the date that will live in infamy" -- Pearl Harbor wasn't the only American military installation attacked by the...

In this special edition of "War Stories with Oliver North," come along for an insider's tour of the historic USO (United Service Organizations). Oliver...

The North African desert... Its mysteries have made it a land of intrigue and espionage and armies have fought over it almost since time...

After two years of Operation Inherent Resolve, ISIS still holds Mosul, Iraq's second largest city--terrorizing, murdering and enslaving its 1.5 million citizens into the...

Gen. George S. Patton was one of the most fascinating military figures to dominate the last century. Quite simply, he was a genius for...

The beautiful island of Cuba, once a hotspot for American tourists in the 1940’s and 1950’s, is now an oppressed nation of 11 million...

When Vice president Lyndon Baines Johnson accompanied President John F. Kennedy to Dallas in November of 1963, Johnson’s long political career seemed to be...

The Battle of Leyte Gulf in October, 1944, was a desperate gamble by the Japanese navy to stop in its tracks America’s march straight...

Since the First World War erupted in 1917, one U.S. Army division has been on activation longest, ready to defend the United States and...

Their Marine Corps designation was VMF-214, but for millions of people around the world, they will always be remembered by the name they gave...

In World War II, the U.S. Merchant Marine played a crucial role in every theater of war. Without them, without the bridge of...

Why was a cat recruited to spy for the CIA during the Cold War? What led President Roosevelt to approve the development of...

This is one of the most overlooked chapters of World War II. This is the story of the 1st Air Commandos and their top-secret...

How did the United States find itself embroiled in Vietnam - fighting a war that lasted more than a decade and cost more than...

America’s post World War II euphoria was shattered in the summer of 1950, when North Korean communist forces invaded democratic South Korea. The Korean...

The worldwide race to build the atomic bomb involved scientists, soldiers and spies. With a price tag of two billion dollars, it was a...

From the Revolutionary War to Operation Iraqi Freedom, advances in medicine and technology have allowed many more soldiers to survive injuries that used to...

In the summer of 1942, in the dead of night, eight Nazi saboteurs landed by submarine on the eastern shores of the United States. Sent...

In July 2004, our War Stories documentary team returned to Iraq to cover what everyone hoped would be the beginning of the end of...

After a shaky victory in North Africa during the dark days of World War II, the Allies debated where to launch their next offensive....

Say "D-Day" and most people will think of the Normandy invasion in June of 1944. But many remarkable amphibious landings played out during...

On that morning of June 6th 1944, the waters of the English Channel along Omaha Beach ran red with the blood of those who...

For the sailors, airmen and Marines who survived it, the epic Battle of Midway in June 1942 is forever seared in their memories. ...

It was called MacArthur's masterstroke – a daring amphibious assault – deep behind enemy lines – and it changed the course of the Korean...

The Boeing B-17 "Flying Fortress" and B-24 "Flying Boxcar" dropped more than a million tons of bombs over Nazi targets in Europe from 1942...

They infiltrated Hitler’s Third Reich. In the Cold War they penetrated the Iron Curtain. There are thousands of nameless and faceless men...

It was the spring of 1940. While America nervously watched, Adolf Hitler unleashed his Nazi armies upon the world. With little trouble, the military...

Medical personnel who are at the side of every injured soldier, sailor, airman and Marine are often overlooked in the annals of war. Ask...

On April 1, 1945, soldiers and Marines began landing on Okinawa as the Allies in Europe closed on Berlin. As the reign of Hitler’s...

He was a small man from small town Missouri, who spent the first six decades of his life toiling in relative obscurity, but Harry...

On April 18, 1942, barely four months after Americans were rocked by the news of the Pearl Harbor attacks, 16 specially modified B-25 bombers...

In 1939, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler unleashed his legions — some two million strong — on neighboring Poland, catapulting the world into a six-year...

Mexican drug cartels are fighting for supremacy along our 2,000 mile-long border. Since December 2006, more than 11,000 people have been murdered by the...

With their trademark of a fierce and determined bee carrying hammer in one hand and a Tommy gun in the other, no other branch...