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Today’s Devotional: Listening to our waking thoughts

What did you wake up thinking about this morning?

Normally, when I wake up it’s with a random song lyric stuck in my head, or the first thing I need to do at work. But sometimes it’s more weighty than that. I’ve woken up thinking of friends I haven’t talked to for months or a problem in my life that needs resolution. Those mornings feel different, and those half-formed thoughts will linger until I act on them.

A recent Daily Encounter devotional discussed the importance of listening to those niggling ideas and thoughts we have when we wake up. They might be more than a passing notion—they could be a nudge from God:

Melody Beattie in her book, The Language of Letting Go, emphasizes the importance of contemplating what is on your mind first thing when you wake up in the morning? What is it in that half-asleep, half-awake place? Are you troubled about something? Is there some responsibility you have neglected and is bothering you? Is it a project you’ve wanted to start but have kept putting it off? Is it an unhealthy relationship you are in and you know that you need to either resolve or end it? Is it a destructive habit or sin that you feel convicted about?

Whatever is on your mind at this time is coming from your inner self, your unconscious mind, or it may be from God’s Spirit. It may be revealing an issue you need to deal with, or a project you’ve been thinking about starting for months. Listen to that voice and do what you know you need to do about it. Don’t put it off. Take care of it each day.

Have you ever realized something important in that half-awake/half-dreaming state?

16 Responses to “Today’s Devotional: Listening to our waking thoughts”

  • Ed Karl says:

    A friend pointed me to this website asking about the validity of today’s devotion. The scriptures talk about how God may direct us in visions and in dreams. But my conjecture is that this is neither of those.
    What is explained could come from strong emotions that could from fear or anxiety or something else which could actually be felt because of sin. God knows that I have often times showed lack of faith expressed by deep emotions of fear and anxiety. Now if I were to follow those would I not be continuing further into sin?
    All this to say that it would be through prayer and God’s word confirming action that would I then continue knowing that it is from the Lord. With Love, Ed Karl.

  • Tara says:

    I have learned that GOD never tells us to do anything wrong and that when we face our giants, storms, or small foxes that that is not the time to give up, in, or lose heart but that is the time to trust and have the faith to believe that GOD will work things out for our good and HIS glory. Fear and anxiety does not come from GOD but from the devil nor is depression. One thing that is sure is that when we listen to the Word and obey, we can not lose; WE WIN EVERYTIME WITH JESUS ON OUR SIDE. We must excercise our faith because without faith it is impossible to please GOD. Thank GOD for HIS taught and preached WORD, thank HIM for the truth oh HIS WORD. In essence it is the WORD of GOD that sustains us. Speak and Pray the WORD of the MOST HIGH GOD. BELIEVE and Receive in JESUS name. As Christians we can not make it without the spiritual nourishment of our daily bread

  • Woo says:

    i am thankful for coming to this website for my daily devotion, reading this and having my eyes opened about things that are on my mind first thing in the morning. God is good and always gives a conformation about things he is trying to tell you and this devotion did just that. This devotion has been burned in my heart.

  • blessed33-1 says:

    yes i agree with Tara, i was taught to pray,, read and study the word in the morning to combat the thoughts that plagued my mind in the morning, and usaully the thoughts are harrassing,depressing and flled with anxiety thoghts that would keep me tied in knots and rob all of my peace. I knew from the beginning that this was not God, but the enemy and had to fight back by prayers and words of affirmation, so be careful of your own beliefs, and lean not to your own understanding.

  • Toks says:

    I think Tara’s/blessed33-1and the article it self are pointing to the same goal. Most times we have definite things on our minds when we wake up. For me, sometimes they are things I feel I should have gotten over or should not be actively remembering. But guess what? they are there and there’s nothing I can do about them. So, I can agree with the author of the article that the issues need addressing etc. The question is ” how do I go about that?” I think that’s where Tara and Blessed perspectives come in. I need to go to God. Cast all my cares upon Him( the definite thoughts and feelings I’ve woken up with) and worship Him. Trusting Him to bring direction and healing.

    However, I think its important for us as christian to dis burden ourselves to God before we go to bed ( remind yourself of a scripture, ventilate to the Father etc). This way we can chart the course of our waking thoughts. Bless you.

  • Michele says:

    I am caught in an emotional destructive web that I cannot seam to get out of. It plagues every minute of the day,especially when I wake up. Is it possible for god to erase things from our minds if we ask him? I cannot do it myself. I ask for his spernatural thunderstriking power each day and night.

    • Judy says:

      Michele, we all struggle to trust God for our daily issues. I can personally testify that it is only through much time spent meditating on His Word that you will find victory. Prior to this realization, when people would hand me this very prescription, I didn’t get it. I thought, well I do daily devotionals, am I supposed to spend 24/7 on this? The answer is YES! That is speaking to God continually about everything that comes into your mind. As you focus on praising and worshipping Him, your thoughts will be replaced with His thoughts. As you focus on His promises and witness them in fellow believers, you will be transformed by the renewing of your mind. We must take captive every thought and make it submit to Christ. Start with these awesome verses:
      Philippians 4:6-8
      Proverbs 3:5-6
      Jeremiah 29:11
      Joshua 1:8
      Psalm 121
      Isaiah 40:31
      Romans 12:2
      Once you spend some time in the Word, you will not be able to get enough. Praise God that He provided our Life’s Instruction Book!!!
      God Bless You, Michelle.
      I will be praying that He does a mighty work in you through the power of His life-changing Word.

  • Manoj says:

    Michele, the key is being crucified with Christ as in Romans 6. Use the word of God as your weapon. Read out aloud Romans 6 and by faith and full understanding, renounce the emotional thought patterns. Confess and leave it. Cheer up, with God and His tools you will overcome this.

    Also kindly, ask your own heart is there anyone you need to forgive? That is often a breeding ground for bitterness in many. Is there any ground given to Satan, that needs to be brought back? Is there any areas of bitterness, greed or immorality? We all need to examine these often, if not everyday.

    You can do it, my friend, with God; just be honest with Him. He loves you more than anyone else, including you!!

    So perhaps apart from the thunderstriking power, ask for his still speaking voice. Help is very closer to you than you realize.

  • Manoj says:

    Also, please make sure you are getting enough rest and water and nutritious food. These are very important things, during stressful times, especially.

  • Michele says:

    Thank you for the kind replies, it all has to do with learning to trust and rely on god. And that is where I fall.

  • kerry 29 says:

    I am going through a very stressfull time and know i have my father with me. Sometimes when it gets all to much I seem to forget my father in the hour of need does this make any sense. Can someone help me to erase the pain.

  • Robert says:

    Mornings are the instantthat I wake to the reality of resonant thoughts that remain unhindered from the soon to come daily noise carried in mind through the coming day–as most days. In the waking moment of each day I listen to all that echoes: dream thoughts first waking state thoughts thoughts that progress toward and too full alert wakefulness. I listen to keep up on my progress with adherence to living according to the word that God has privided all in the Bible. Mornings are the preciouse moment that I harness to form the spiritual and mental framwork through which the rest of the day and night are focused. The making or bresking of a day begin in the morning–with, or with out God’s will in practice of mind, body, and Spirit.

    robert sternet@sbcglobal.net

  • gef smock says:

    How can we die, immediately go to Heaven or Hell, then on Judgment Day be pulled out of there, judged and sent back to the Heaven or Hell we were sent to in the beginning?

    • gef smock says:

      Hi, this is biblical about death and judgment: we die and sleep until judgment…everyone. then judged together, after which we know our fate or our eternal bliss with Him. see “Our friend Lazarus sleeps-John 11:11, or 1Cor 11:30, or 1Cor 15:51

  • melslaw says:

    thank you Chris I really appreciated these words today

  • twasime says:

    Michelle i almost understand exactly how you are feeling. i pray that the lord will pour his healing oil over your soul.but like any other imbalance , ie physical or mental i suggest you see your doctor or counseller .god led me to very helpful counsellor who advised me a kind of relaxing music which i borrowed from the library.the effect of this plus most of the above recipe did wonders, the rest is hisory.pls also find time to read personal development books on positive thinking.