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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

New York Times reporters and editors are highlighting great stories from around the web. Let us know how you like it at

Heads Bowed
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Todd Heisler/The New York Times
Anna Dubenko
Anna Dubenko Senior Digital Strategist
The nation has gotten used to having the same kind of debate over gun control after every mass shooting. This week, there was a new element to how writers from the right, left and center were processing the events in Sutherland Springs, Tex.: the effectiveness of prayer in the face of tragedy.  THE NEW YORK TIMES » 
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Associated Press
Jennifer Steinhauer
Jennifer Steinhauer Editor of Live Journalism/D.C.
There is no shortage of writing on Kennedy assignation conspiracy theories. But this piece takes it to a new level, in its examination of a subculture of folks who get together annually in New Orleans to celebrate the birthday of Lee Harvey Oswald. Come for the anecdotes about how each of these Oswald fans processed the events of that tragic day in American history, stay for the wacky birthday cake. THE BITTER SOUTHERNER » 
Doctor’s Orders
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Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Alan Henry
Alan Henry Smarter Living Editor
This is an eye-opening story about how medicine and health care intersect with racial and ethnic stereotypes — and a poignant reminder that you should be as picky as possible with your health care providers. If they don’t listen to you, leave them. THE CUT » 
Unintended Consequences
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Safin Hamed/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Prashant Rao
Prashant Rao Deputy Europe Business Editor
The Kurdish issue in the Middle East is fantastically complex — a “nation” divided between four countries, with a complicated history and a multitude of cultures, dialects and, increasingly, histories. This excellent piece by a longtime observer of the Kurdish community is a great introduction to the topic — in fact, even if you’re an expert on the topic, it’s well worth a read. THE ATLANTIC » 
Free Admission
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Mark Wickens for The New York Times
Michael Wines
Michael Wines National Correspondent
Haven’t frittered away enough valuable hours online yet? On this site, you can virtually visit everything from the National Gallery of Art and the Smithsonian to the Museum of Airline Baggage Labels and my favorite (at least so far), the Gallery of Movie and TV Floorplans. (MetaFilter, another gloriously quirky website, calls MoOM a rabbit hole. Couldn’t have said it better.) THE MUSEUM OF ONLINE MUSEUMS » 
House Seats
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Sara Krulwich/The New York Times
John Schwartz
John Schwartz Climate Change Reporter
Who would take a nearly-3-year-old boy to see “Hamilton”? Lin-Manuel Miranda took his son to see the first act over the weekend. If you know the show, Miranda’s thread of tweets chronicling the reaction of “lil man” are priceless, like the best Metropolitan Diary entry ever. TWITTER » 
Time Travel
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The New York Times
Jennifer Parrucci
Jennifer Parrucci Senior Taxonomist
This 1872 editorial lamented that coffee in America was just bad. The editorial asserted that not only was bad coffee present at hotels, restaurants and railroad stations, but also in private homes. (Readers responded with their own tips for how to make the perfect cup; take note of the egg in the first submission.) THE TIMES ARCHIVES » 
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