Top News

Mueller Learns of Trump Effort to Keep Grip on Russia Inquiry

  • The investigation by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, has uncovered several incidents involving President Trump that raise questions about whether he obstructed justice.
  • Mr. Trump is said to have instructed the White House’s top lawyer to stop Attorney General Jeff Sessions from recusing himself, with the expectation that Mr. Sessions would shield him.


Key Allies Abandon Bannon in Wake of Trump Comments

Stephen K. Bannon is confronting political irrelevance, a dire fate for a publicity-hungry provocateur, as some of his most important backers recoil after his reported criticisms of President Trump and his family.


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Subzero: Perilous Wind Chills on East Coast

Airports shut, schools closed and cars slid during the first major storm in the U.S. this winter. Officials fear the worst is ahead as wind chills are expected to hit minus 40 in some areas.


The Daily

Listen to ‘The Daily’: A Power Struggle in Iran

A closer look at the largest protests in Iran in years suggests that the country’s president may have started it all.


10 Bargain Destinations for 2018

Cities around the world that are currently trending in the right direction for budget fare hunters, and why you might want to visit them in 2018.

Chris Christie on Trump and His Record as Governor

“I feel like I’ve done the job as well or better than anybody who’s ever had it,” said Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, a friend of President Trump for 15 years.

The Empty Gesture of Red Carpet Protest

There is something unsettling about how little these celebrities have to lose by taking “bold” stances, a Times Magazine reporter writes.

Neighborhood Joint

A Glasses Menagerie

Clairmont Nichols Opticians in Midtown East has been filling prescriptions and repairing glasses since 1885.


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Our columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin and his Times colleagues help you make sense of major business and policy headlines — and the power brokers who shape them. Get the all-new DealBook newsletter.

Writing the Real Nanny Diaries

A writing Brooklyn workshop, conducted in both Spanish and English, helps caregivers explore their role in children’s lives by writing fables.

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International Real Estate

House Hunting in … Morocco

Residential housing prices in Morocco rose 4 percent year over year in the third quarter of 2017, in contrast to the trend of the previous three years.
