December 2016 Update for .NET Core 1.0

Today, we are releasing a new set of reliability and quality updates for .NET Core 1.0. This month’s update is our second Long Term Support (LTS) update and includes updated versions of multiple packages in .NET Core, ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core. We recommend everyone on the 1.0.* LTS track move to this update immediately…. Read more

August 2015 .NET Security Updates

The .NET team released two security bulletins today as part of the monthly “Update Tuesday” cycle.  Microsoft Security Bulletin MS15-080 – Critical, Vulnerability in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code Execution (3078662)  This security update resolves vulnerabilities in Microsoft .NET Framework. The most severe of the vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if a user opens… Read more

May 2015 .NET Security Updates

The .NET team released two security bulletins today as part of the monthly “Update Tuesday” cycle.  Microsoft Security Bulletin MS15-044 – Critical, Vulnerability in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code Execution (3057110)  This security update resolves vulnerabilities in Microsoft .NET Framework. The most severe of the vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if a user opens… Read more

April 2015 .NET Security Updates

The .NET team released a security bulletin today as part of the monthly “patch Tuesday” cycle. Microsoft Security Bulletin MS15-041 – Important, Vulnerability in .NET Framework Could Allow Information Disclosure (3048010)  This update resolves a vulnerability in the Microsoft .NET Framework that could allow information disclosure if an attacker sends a specially crafted web request… Read more

November 2014 .NET Security Updates

The .NET team released a security bulletin today as part of the monthly “patch Tuesday” cycle. Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-072 – Important, Vulnerability in .NET Framework Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (3005210)  This security update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft .NET Framework. The vulnerability could allow elevation of privilege if an attacker sends… Read more

October 2014 .NET Security Updates

The .NET team released a security bulletin today as part of the monthly “patch Tuesday” cycle. Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-057 – Critical, Vulnerabilities in the .NET Framework could allow remote code execution (3000414)  This security update resolves three privately reported vulnerabilities in Microsoft .NET Framework. The most severe of these vulnerabilities could allow remote code… Read more

September 2014 .NET Security Updates

The .NET team released a security bulletin and a security advisory today as part of the monthly “patch Tuesday” cycle.   Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-053 – Important, Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Denial of Service (2990931)  This security update resolves one privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft .NET Framework. The vulnerability could allow denial of… Read more

August 2014 Security Updates

The .NET team released a security bulletin today as part of the monthly “patch Tuesday” cycle. Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-046 – Important, Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework could allow Security Feature Bypass (2984625). This update resolves a vulnerability in the Microsoft .NET Framework that could bypass the Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) security feature if a user… Read more

May 2014 .NET Updates

The .NET team released a security bulletin and a security advisory today as part of the monthly “patch Tuesday” cycle. Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-026 – Important, Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Elevation of Privilege (2958732) This update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in the Microsoft .NET Framework that could allow elevation of privilege if… Read more

February 2014 .NET Updates

As part of our continued effort to bring greater transparency for our customers we are going to start posting here whenever we ship any security fixes for the .NET Framework, this is the first such post. The .NET team released a security bulletin earlier this week as part of the monthly “patch Tuesday” cycle. Microsoft… Read more