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Nikki Haley, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, prepares to speak on the floor of the General Assembly.

Nikki Haley, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, prepares to speak on the floor of the General Assembly.

Friday, Dec 22 11 a.m. (ET)

Friday News Roundup – International

Ambassador Haley says the U.S. is making a list.

These NBA players will likely not be on hand when the name of the winner is drawn in the tie-breaker for Virginia's House of Delegates.

These NBA players will likely not be on hand when the name of the winner is drawn in the tie-breaker for Virginia's House of Delegates.

Friday, Dec 22 10 a.m. (ET)

Friday News Roundup – Domestic

What's the best way to break a tie in politics?

Comedian Larry David performs onstage in 2010.

Comedian Larry David performs onstage in 2010.

Thursday, Dec 21 11:20 a.m. (ET)

From The Book Of Esther To Larry David: The History Of Jewish Comedy (Rebroadcast)

In his new book, "Jewish Comedy: A Serious History," Professor Jeremy Dauber looks at how religion, persecution and assimilation affected the pioneers and practitioners of American comedy, and how comedians shaped Jewish identity in the United States.

President Donald Trump shakes hands with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan at a White House gathering just after the passage of the tax bill

President Donald Trump shakes hands with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan at a White House gathering just after the passage of the tax bill

Thursday, Dec 21 10 a.m. (ET)

What Does The Tax Bill Mean For Me?

It means more than a change to your paycheck.

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