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Meet Optimizely X

Experiment everywhere with the leading Experimentation Platform - across every device, every channel, every customer touchpoint.

Be brave, experiment everywhere, and transform your customer experiences with Optimizely X.

Optimizely X Web Experimentation

Enable everyone in your organization to improve every experience, whether your marketing team is seeking to understand the best way to apply advertising dollars or your product team is learning how to build the most engaging product onboarding experience.

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Optimizely X Web Personalization

Deliver targeted content and experiences in real time. Bring together what you know about your customers and your most successful experiments to deliver personalized customer experiences with measurable improvements to your bottom line.

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Optimizely X Recommendations

Automatically add product, category, and content recommendations to any website. Leverage machine learning to continuously improve your recommendations to deliver hands-off ROI. Experiment on algorithms, placement, and presentation to understand the best way to engage your customers.

Talk to Us
import optimizely

optimizely = optimizely.Optimizely(datafile)

# Activate an experiment
variation = optimizely.activate('my_experiment', 'user_123')

if variation == 'variation_a':
  # Execute code for variation A
elif variation == 'variation_b':
  # Execute code for variation B
  # Execute default code

# Track an event
optimizely.track('purchase_completed', 'user_123')

import com.optimizely.ab.Optimizely;

Optimizely optimizely = Optimizely.builder(datafile).build();

// Activate an experiment
Variation variation = optimizely.activate("my_experiment", "user_123");

if (variation != null) {
  if (variation.is("variation_a")) {
    // Execute code for variation A
  } else if (variation.is("variation_b")) {
    // Execute code for variation B
} else {
  // Execute default code

// Track an event
optimizely.track("purchase_completed", "user_123");

require "optimizely"

project = Optimizely::Project.new(datafile)

# Activate an experiment
variation = project.activate('my_experiment', 'user_123')

if variation == 'variation_a'
  # Execute code for variation A
elsif variation == 'variation_b'
  # Execute code for variation B
  # Execute default code

# Track an event
project.track('purchase_completed', 'user_123')

var optimizely = require('optimizely-server-sdk');

var optimizely = optimizely.createInstance({ datafile: datafile });

// Activate an experiment
var variation = optimizely.activate('my_experiment', 'user_123');

if (variation === 'variation_a') {
  // Execute code for variation A
} else if (variation === 'variation_b') {
  // Execute code for variation B
} else {
  // Execute default code

// Track an event
optimizely.track('purchase_completed', 'user_123');
#import <OptimizelySDKiOS/OptimizelySDKiOS.h>

OPTLYManager *manager = [OPTLYManager init:^(OPTLYManagerBuilder * _Nullable builder) {
  builder.projectId = @"projectId";

// Asynchronously initialize the Optimizely client
[manager initializeWithCallback:^(NSError * _Nullable error, OPTLYClient * _Nullable client) {
  // Activate an experiment
  OPTLYVariation *variation = [client activate:@"my_experiment" userId:@"user_123"];

  if ([variation.variationKey isEqualToString:@"variation_a"]) {
    // Execute code for variation A
  else if ([variation.variationKey isEqualToString:@"variation_b"]) {
    // Execute code for variation B
  else {
    // Execute default code

  // Track an event
  [client track:@"purchase_completed" userId:@"user_123"];
import OptimizelySDKiOS

let optimizelyManager = OPTLYManager.init {(builder) in
  builder!.projectId = "projectId"

// Asynchronously initialize the Optimizely Client
manager?.initialize(callback: { [weak self] (error, client) in
  // Activate an experiment
  let variation = client?.activate("my_experiment", userId: "user_123")
  if (variation?.variationKey == "variation_a") {
	// Execute code for variation A
  else if (variation?.variationKey == "variation_b") {
    // Execute code for variation B
  else {
    // Execute default code

  // Track an Event
  client?.track("purchase_completed", userId: "user_123")
import com.optimizely.ab.android.sdk.OptimizelyClient;

OptimizelyClient optimizelyClient = optimizelyManager.getOptimizely();

// Activate an experiment
Variation variation = optimizelyClient.activate("my_experiment", "user_123");

if (variation != null) {
  if (variation.is("variation_a")) {
    // Execute code for variation A
  } else if (variation.is("variation_b")) {
    // Execute code for variation B
} else {
  // Execute default code

// Track an event
optimizelyClient.track("purchase_completed", "user_123");
use Optimizely\Optimizely;

// Initialize an Optimizely client
$optimizelyClient = new Optimizely($datafile);

// Activate an experiment
$variation = $optimizelyClient->activate('my_experiment', 'user_123');

if ($variation == 'variation_a') {
  // Execute code for variation A
} elseif ($variation == 'variation_b') {
  // Execute code for variation B
} else {
  // Execute default code

// Track an event
$optimizelyClient->track('purchase_completed', 'user_123');
using OptimizelySDK;

// Initialize an Optimizely client
Optimizely OptimizelyClient = new Optimizely(datafile);

// Activate user in an experiment
var variation = OptimizelyClient.Activate("my_experiment", userId);

if (variation != null)
    if (variation == "control")
        // Execute code for variation A
    else if (variation == "treatment")
        // Execute code for variation B
    // Execute default code

// Track conversion event
OptimizelyClient.Track("my_conversion", userId);

Optimizely X Full Stack

Empower your developers to experiment and launch products with confidence everywhere. By running experiments in any application, you can iterate on search algorithms, try out new business models, launch new features confidently, and learn how to build great product experiences for your customers. With feature management, you can control access to features, roll out safely and update your code on the fly.
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Optimizely X Mobile

Engage customers where they are, regardless of device, by running experiments on apps built on iOS and Android. Instantly roll out new features without waiting for App Store or Google Play review.

iOS Android
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iOS Android

Optimizely X OTT

Deliver great over-the-top TV experiences by running experiments in any application built for tvOS or Android, such as navigation, app layout, site design, featured content or integrated message testing.

tvOS Android
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tvOS Android

Partner with us to establish and grow your experimentation program.

We're here to help. Optimizely Customer Success has worked to support thousands of teams. Learn how we can partner with you to add capacity and expert resources to accelerate the success of your experimentation program.

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If Atlassian couldn't experiment on our user's journey, we would lose a major lever in making our customers more successful with our products.
– Cameron Deatsch, VP of Growth, Atlassian

It's your turn. How will you experiment everywhere?